
vientiane n.萬象〔老撾首都〕。


Displaying a crease in his flesh from a bullet wound in his left leg , 64 - year - old jer said he had been an officer for the cia - backed “ secret army , ” but made his peace after 1975 , settling down to farm north of the laotian capital , vientiane 露出左腿上一塊因為槍傷留下的擦痕, 64歲的周說他過去是cia支持的秘密軍隊的軍官,但是他在1975就放下武器,在寮國首都永珍的北邊定居下來,開始務農。

Till now , vietnam airlines operate 2 routes connecting vietnam , laos and cambodia , separately ho chi minh city - phnom penh - vientiane - hanoi , and the new - launched route ho chi minh city - siem reap ( angkor wat ) - lang prabang - hanoi 至此,越航開辟的越老柬三國航線已有兩條:分別是胡志明-金邊-萬象-河內,以及新開辟的胡志明-暹粒(吳哥) -郎勃拉邦-河內。

Have arrived at , meant in the spring festival spring will approach , vientiane recovery grass and trees renewal , one new wheel sow seeds and gain a season to be going to begin again 春節到了,意味著春天將要來臨,萬象復蘇草木更新,新一輪播種和收獲季節又要開始。

The asean summit meeting in vientiane , laos , this week underscored the disparity among asia ' s economies and cultures 本周在老撾萬象舉行的東盟首腦會議強調指出了在亞洲各國經濟和文化的懸殊。

Discussion on the mining process of potash mine in vientiane of laos 老撾萬象鉀鹽礦開采方法的探討

The communist advance reached the long thieng area, the last stronghold before the capital of vientiane . 共產黨部隊已挺進到通往越南首都萬象的最后一個要塞龍鎮地區。

Sarit even imposed a blockade on goods to vientiane . 沙立甚至對萬象實行了商品禁運。