
vie 短語和例子vie1vi.(vied vying ) 競爭...

“ the fact is - - airports vie for passengers , “ says robert aaronson , of the aci 機場國際協會的羅伯特?阿隆森說: “事實就是? ?機場在爭奪客源。 ”

The title is “ vie de jesus . “ and i say to my guide , did lenin believe in jesus 我取來一本書,書名讓我吃驚,作者是雷納特,書名是耶穌。


The channel will begin with a focus on contenders vying to win the 2008 us presidential election 這個頻道首先介紹參加2008年美國總統大選的競選者。

Even mainland chinas tsingtao beer and yianjing beer are vying for a slice in this very competitive market 此專案預計將在西元2005年12月前完工。

Batman star to vie mountains and the challenges the country war , punish the bad guys to hurry 明星蝙蝠俠出戰江湖,挑戰身手大戰,快來懲治壞人吧

“ the fact is - - airports vie for passengers , “ says robert aaronson , of the aci 機場國際協會的羅伯特?阿隆森說: “事實就是? ?機場在爭奪客源。 ”

The title is “ vie de jesus . “ and i say to my guide , did lenin believe in jesus 我取來一本書,書名讓我吃驚,作者是雷納特,書名是耶穌。

Questions should be pay attention to execute administriation law from the vies of government appeal 從行政機關應訴看行政執法應注意的問題

The two great camps was in fierce rivalry , then the ussr and usa vied for hegemony gradually 兩大陣營激烈對峙,美、蘇爭霸逐漸展開。

Banks , brokers and asset managers are vying for the cash of the same customers 銀行,經紀公司和資產管理公司正在爭奪同類客戶的現金。

They seem to have vied with one another to showcase their most unique aspect of it 好似她們都爭先恐后的想要展示自己最獨特的一面。

My studio is in my basement and does not have any particular nice vies , but on top of my 我的工作室就在我的地下室,那里并沒有什么特

In the vying for state power , you are put into a beauty trap of inter - locking stratagem 在中原的逐鹿中,你被推進連環的美人計里。

Should take after the bus , not to vie with each other , not bicheng bit crowded 乘坐公共汽車應先下后上,勿爭先恐后,勿擠逼搶位。

The organization was established in 1960 and is headquartered in vie a , austria 該組織于1960年建立,總部設在奧地利的維也納。

This episode narrates how lam shan and lei on vie for a 7 - star sword . . 一丈青林珊利用計謀戰勝了利安,為黑暗廚藝界扳成平手。

Early settlement request vie our mutual interest otherwise may lose buyer 鑒于彼此的利益,望早日獲得解決,否則會失去客戶。

Since then , economists have vied with each other to overturn this orthodoxy 自此之后,經濟學家就開始爭相顛覆這個傳統理論。

What eau de vie is traditionally sold with a pear in the bottle 這款“生命之水”總是在瓶子內有一個小香梨,它叫什么名字?