victualling n.儲備[供給]糧食[食物]。
n. 儲備[供給]糧食[食物]。 “bill of victualling“ 中文翻譯: 航海用品免稅單“victualling bill“ 中文翻譯: 〔英國〕船用食品裝載申報單。 “victualling expenses“ 中文翻譯: 餐費“victualling house“ 中文翻譯: 餐館。 “victualling note“ 中文翻譯: 〔英海軍〕(給新兵持交炊事管理員的)準餐通知書。 “victualling scale“ 中文翻譯: 伙食定額“victualling vessel“ 中文翻譯: 運糧船“victualling yard“ 中文翻譯: 〔英海軍〕后勤(給養)倉庫。 “victualler“ 中文翻譯: victual(l)er n. 1.食物供應者。 2.〔英國〕(有賣酒執照的)飲食店主,餐館老板,旅館老板 (= licensed victualler )。 3.食物補給船。 “victuall“ 中文翻譯: 供給食物; 裝載糧食“victualing yard“ 中文翻譯: 〔英海軍〕后勤(給養)倉庫。 “victualing ship“ 中文翻譯: 糧食供應艦“victualing office“ 中文翻譯: 物資供應局
Better ; and having no victuals to eat , took my gun , but found my self very weak ; however i kill d a she - goat , and with much difficulty got it home , and broil d some of it , and eat ; i wou d fain have stew d it , and made some broath , but had no pot 在床上躺了一整天,不吃不喝。口里干得要命,但身子太虛弱,連爬起來弄點水喝的力氣都沒有。再一次祈禱上帝,但頭昏昏沉沉的等頭昏過去后,我又不知道該怎樣祈禱,只是躺在床上,連聲叫喊: “上帝,保佑我吧! |
victualling bill |
Better ; and having no victuals to eat , took my gun , but found my self very weak ; however i kill d a she - goat , and with much difficulty got it home , and broil d some of it , and eat ; i wou d fain have stew d it , and made some broath , but had no pot 在床上躺了一整天,不吃不喝。口里干得要命,但身子太虛弱,連爬起來弄點水喝的力氣都沒有。再一次祈禱上帝,但頭昏昏沉沉的等頭昏過去后,我又不知道該怎樣祈禱,只是躺在床上,連聲叫喊: “上帝,保佑我吧! |