
viceroy n.1.副王;總督。2.【動物;動物學】副王蝶 ( Li...


That the viceroy will take possession of the village borodino , and cross by its three bridges , following to the same high ground as morands and friants divisions nothing is said of whence and when they were to advance , which under his leadership will advance to the redoubt and form in a line with the other troops 第四項:總督要占領那個村子波羅底諾,然后越過三座橋,協同莫朗和熱拉爾兩師直趨高地對他們的行動方向和時間并未發出指示,總督率領兩個師進攻多角堡,并與其他部隊進入戰斗。

After passing through borodino the viceroy was beaten back at the kolotcha , and could advance no further . the divisions of morand and friant did not take the redoubt , but were driven back , and at the end of the day the redoubt was captured by cavalry in an action probably unforeseen by napoleon ; and not heard of by him 總督越過波羅底諾,在科洛恰被打退了,不能再前進了,多面堡沒有被莫朗和弗里昂兩師占領,只是在戰斗結束時才被騎兵攻下拿破侖大概未料到也未聽到。

Seeing the enemy unexpectedly , the french were thrown into confusion , stopped short from the suddenness of the fright , but then ran on again , abandoning their own comrades in their rear . then for three days , the separate parts of the french army passed , as it were , through the lines of the russian army : first the viceroys troops , then davousts , and then neys 法國人出乎意料地碰上了敵人,陷入了一片混亂,由于出乎意外而嚇得不知所措,停了下來,接著前面的法國人扔下跟隨其后的同伴,又繼續奔逃,就這樣,法軍的各個部分,先是王侯們的,然后是達烏的,再隨后是內伊的,就好像是從俄軍的隊列中通過一樣,一連過了三天。

As far as one can make out , not so much from this confused paragraph , as from the attempts made by the viceroy to carry out the orders given him , he was to advance through borodino from the left to the redoubt , and the divisions of morand and friant were to advance simultaneously from the front 只可能這樣理解不是由于這個復雜的句子含混不清,就是由于總督在執行他所接受的命令時另有企圖他從左方通過波羅底諾向多面堡進攻,而莫朗和弗里昂兩師同時正面進攻。

So it was with the cassandra as brought us all safe home from malabar , after england took the viceroy of the indies ; so it was with the old walrus , flint s old ship , as i ve seen amuck with the red blood and fit to sink with gold 卡散德拉號就是這樣,在殷格蘭拿下了印度總督號,她把我們從馬拉巴全部送回家老瓦魯斯號,弗林特的那艘老帆船,也是這樣,當時我見她被鮮血染得斑斑駁駁,被金子壓得快要沉了。 ”

The viceroy will take possession of the village of borodino , and cross by its three bridges , advancing to the same height with morands and grards divisions , which under his leadership will advance to the redoubt and come into line with the other troops of the army 總督要占領那個村子,然后越過三座橋,協同莫朗和熱拉爾兩師直趨高地,總督率領這兩個師進攻打多角堡,并與其他部隊投入戰斗。

In view of the furious opium smuggling , the viceroy of guangdong and guangxi ordered the establishment of three customs stations in 1868 at fat tau chau , cheung chau and kap shui mun ma wan respectively to collect likin on opium trade 鑒于香港開埠后鴉片走私活動猖獗,兩廣總督于同治七年(一八六八年)下令,于佛頭洲、長洲及汲水門(馬灣)設置稅關,對鴉片貿易抽取厘金。

Thus an adjutant came galloping from the viceroy with the news that borodino had been taken and the bridge on the kolotcha was in the hands of the french . the adjutant asked napoleon should the troops cross the bridge 譬如說,從總督那兒馳來一名副官,帶來消息說,波羅底諾已經被占領,科洛恰河大橋也落入法國人手中,一名副官問拿破侖,是否命令軍隊渡河?

Then , when the whole plain was covered with smoke , on the french side the two divisions of desaix and compans advanced on the right upon the flches , and on the left the viceroys regiments advanced upon borodino 此后,當硝煙籠罩著整個戰場的時候,法軍德塞和康龐兩個師從右方進攻凸角堡,總督繆拉的幾個團從左方進攻波羅底諾。

The viceroy , on his way to inaugurate the mirus bazaar in aid of funds for mercer s hospital , drove with his following towards lower mount street . he passed a blind stripling opposite broadbent s 為默塞爾醫院募款的邁勒斯義賣會221快要開始了,總督率領著隨從們馳向下蒙特街,前往主持開幕式。

The cabby read out of the paper he had got hold of that the former viceroy , earl cadogan , had presided at the cabdrivers association dinner in london somewhere 馬車夫看著手里的報紙,大聲念了一段前任總督卡多根伯爵在倫敦某地主持馬車夫協會晚餐會的消息260 。

Opposite pigott s music warerooms mr denis j . maginni professor of dancing c , gaily apparelled , gravely walked , outpassed by a viceroy and unobserved 在皮戈特公司樂器棧房對面,舞蹈等課程的教師丹尼斯杰馬金尼先生被總督趕在前頭。

She was at the boarding of the viceroy of the indies out of goa , she was ; and to look at her you would think she was a babby 當印度總督號在果阿被強攻時,它也在場,它確實在的而看到它時,你還會以為它是個雛鳥哩。

Another historical document describes it as being built by order of yang lin , viceroy of guangdong and guangxi from 1719 to 1724 但亦有資料記載,炮臺為兩廣總督楊琳于任內(一七一九至一七二四年)下令建造。

In lower mount street a pedestrian in a brown macintosh , eating dry bread , passed swiftly and unscathed across the viceroy s path 他在布洛德本特那家店鋪對面,從一個年輕盲人身邊走過。

After you have killed all the jedi in the temple , go to the mustafar system . wipe out viceroy gunray 殺死神殿里的所有絕地武士后你去木塔法星,殺死貿易聯盟的甘瑞總督

Be thankful , viceroy , you have not found yourself in my grip , your ship is waiting 很感激你總督,你并沒有發覺你也我的掌握之中,你們的飛船正在等著呢

The plan was to execute a flank movement to the left , cut off and capture the viceroy 打算由左翼行動,切斷代理總督繆拉并活捉他。

L am his viceroy 我是他手下的副官