
vice n.1.罪惡,不道德;缺德行為;惡習,壞習慣;(馬等的)...

We had still another name for her, “the unofficial vice president“. that's what it really amounted to . 我們還奉送她一個稱呼,叫“非官方的副總統。”這個稱呼確實名副其實。

vice squad

But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the senate shall choose from them by ballot the vice president . 但如果有二人或二人以上得票相等時,應由參議院投票表決,選舉其中一人為副總統。

They have a scale all of their own; the faraway and enormous are seen in terms of the humble and familiar, or vice versa . 它們都有自己的尺度,遙遠和重大的事物都用低調和熟悉的意象來表示,或者正相反。

To be sure, the vice president sits in on national security council meetings, where the gravest decisions of national policy are considered . 當然,副總統參加決定最重大國策的國家安全委員會會議。

Within reasonable limits, the presence of the shearing stress has no effect on the value of the bending stress, and vice versa . 在適當的限度內,剪應力的存在并不影響彎曲應力之值,反之亦然。

Some of the females had tried to conceal the ravages of vice and dissipation by coating their faces with powder and paint . 有些女人涂脂抹粉想掩蓋那由于作惡多端和行為放蕩而留下的痕跡。

Vice president henry wallace recently gave a speech that might have been lifted from your uncle's pages . 亨利華萊士副總統最近發表一次演說,他說的話很可能是從你叔父的稿里剽竊來的。

The chicago vice commission reported in 1911 that the annual profit from vice in that city was $15,000,000. 據芝家哥犯罪調查委員會1911年報告,該城每年從犯罪中獲利一千五百萬美元。

His vices were no barrier to hitler's collaboration with him along the hard and dangerous part to power . 他的劣行并不妨礙希特勒和他在奪取政權這條艱苦而危險的道路上互相合作。

We had still another name for her, “the unofficial vice president“. that's what it really amounted to . 我們還奉送她一個稱呼,叫“非官方的副總統。”這個稱呼確實名副其實。

The question arose whether the foreign representatives should call on the newly arrived vice president . 接著發生了一個問題,那就是外國使節該不該拜會這位新來的副總統。

In this way the immovable moral convictions of vice people become linked with the defense of property . 這樣,正派人堅定不移的道德信念就同財產的保護連在一起了。

The vice president is the only member of the executive branch not subject to removal by the president . 副總統是行政部門中唯一總統不能免職的官員。

The failure to understand this basic principle of democracy is the vice of this country's politics . 該國政治的缺陷就是不了解這個民主的基本原則。

Do we want to know about the feelings of a middle-class woman with a taste for vice ? 我們難道要知道一個自甘墮落的中產階級女人的各種感情嗎?

The vice chairman is the chief executive officer in the absence of the chairman . 副董事長在董事長不在時代理最高行政負責人職務。

He leads a life not of study, but of joviality, though not of vice . 他沒有專心學業,而是尋歡作樂,當然還未達到胡作非為的程度。

The substitution of a purine for a pyrimidine, or vice versa is a transversion . 嘌呤為嘧啶取代或嘧啶為嘌呤所取代,叫做顛換。

There is no man who can safely say he knows where the vice president stands . 沒有人敢有把握地肯定這位副總統到底持什么立場。