
verst n.俄里 〔=1.067公里〕。


In their service , twenty times a year , he risked his life and his skin , and wore out more horses than they repaid him for in money . but he liked them , liked their furious driving , eighteen versts an hour , liked upsetting coachmen , and running down people on foot in moscow , and always flew full gallop along the moscow streets 不過他喜愛他們,喜愛那時速十八俄里的瘋狂的駛行,他愛撞倒別的馬車夫,壓傷莫斯科的行人,在莫斯科的街道上全速地疾駛飛奔,在馬車不能開得更快時,他愛聽醉漢在他身后粗野地吆喝: “快趕!

On the 17th of august rostov and ilyin , accompanied by lavrushka , who had just come back from being taken prisoner by the french , and an hussar on orderly duty , rode out from yankovo , fifteen versts from bogutcharovo . they meant to try a new horse that ilyin had bought , and to find out whether there was hay to be had in the village 八月十七日,羅斯托夫和伊林帶著剛從俘虜營放回來的拉夫魯什卡和一名驃騎軍傳命兵,騎著馬從離博古恰羅沃十五俄里的駐扎地揚科沃出發試騎一下伊林剛買的馬并打聽這一帶村子里有無干草。

Natasha had promised to come out to kuragin at the back entrance at ten oclock in the evening . kuragin was to get her into a sledge that was to be all ready with three horses in it , and to drive her off sixty versts from moscow to the village of kamenka , where an unfrocked priest was in readiness to perform a marriage ceremony over them . at kamenka a relay of horses was to be in readiness , which was to take them as far as the warsaw road , and thence they were to hasten abroad by means of post - horses 娜塔莎一口答應晚上十點鐘在后門臺階與庫拉金相會,庫拉金就要扶她坐上事先準備的三套馬車,就要把她送到離莫斯科六十俄里的卡緬卡村,在那里請到一位還俗的牧師,牧師給他們舉行結婚儀式,卡緬卡村業已準備換乘的馬匹,把他們送到華沙大道,之后就改乘驛馬行路,疾速地馳往國外。

They were horses , too , balaga went on . id put two young horses in the traces with the bay in the shafts he turned to dolohov and , would you believe me , fyodor ivanovitch , sixty versts those beasts galloped . there was no holding them , for my hands were numb ; it was a frost 巴拉加繼續講下去, “那時候我把兩匹幼小的拉邊梢的馬和一匹淡栗色的馬套在一起, ”他把臉轉向多洛霍夫說, “費奧多爾伊萬內奇,你相不相信,幾頭牲畜飛奔了六十俄里簡直勒不住,非常冷,我連手也凍僵了。

Persons who forget , or fail to comprehend , those inevitable conditions under which a commander has to act , present to us , for instance , the position of the troops at fili , and assume that the commander - in - chief was quite free on the 1st of september to decide the question whether to abandon or to defend moscow , though , with the position of the russian army , only five versts from moscow , there could no longer be any question on the subject 那些習慣于誤解或忘掉任何主帥的行動所必備的這些條件的人們,或許會向我們表明菲利地區部隊可在位置及其情況,因而斷定,總司令本來能夠在九月一日毫不費力地作出放棄抑或保衛莫斯科的決定,事實上,在俄軍距莫斯科五俄里的地方,這一問題已不能成立。這一問題何時得以解決呢?

In the december of 1805 , the old prince nikolay andreitch bolkonsky received a letter from prince vassily , announcing that he intended to visit him with his son . i am going on an inspection tour , and of course a hundred versts is only a step out of the way for me to visit you , my deeply - honoured benefactor , he wrote “我去各地視察,為晉謁您晉謁至為尊敬的恩人,我認為走一百俄里路,自然不是走冤枉路, ”他寫道, “我的阿納托利陪我同行,他就要入伍了。

By evening this activity had been carried by the adjutants in all directions into every part of the army , and in the night of the 19th the multitude of the eighty thousands of the allied army rose from its halting - place , and with a hum of talk moved on , a heaving mass nine versts long 晚間這項活動就由副官傳布到軍隊的各個部門。十九日更殘漏盡,八萬人馬的聯軍部隊從宿營地起身,笑語喧闐,人頭攢動,有如一幅十里路長的巨型油畫,浩浩蕩蕩地出發了。

But out of doors the fire at little mytishtchy lighted the country up for two versts round , and there was a noisy clamour of peasants shouting at the tavern across the street , which mamonovs cossacks had broken into , and the moan of the adjutant could be heard unceasingly through everything 而院子里卻被兩俄里外的小梅季希村的大火照得很明亮,街上,斜對門被馬蒙諾夫哥薩克砸過的小酒館里,可以聽見人們夜間的喧鬧,仍然聽見副官不停的呻吟。

Since there was not one large village nor dwelling - place in the neighbourhood of the camp , the immense multitude of generals and courtiers accompanying the army were distributed about the neighborhood for ten versts round in the best houses of the village on both sides of the river 因為營地周圍沒有一個大村莊,大批的將軍和隨軍宮廷大臣都安置在河兩岸方圓十俄里的村中最好的宅院里。巴克思德托利住在離皇帝四俄里的地方。

As soon as bonaparte , who was at schnbrunn , only twenty - five versts from hollabrunn , received murats despatch and projects of truce and capitulation , he detected the deception and despatched the following letter to murat : to prince murat . schnbrunn , 25 brumaire , year 1805 , 波拿巴駐扎在申布魯恩,離霍拉布倫有二十五俄里之遙,他一接到繆拉的情報和停戰投降的草案,便立刻看出這個騙局,于是給繆拉寫了如下的一封信。

They tried to swim straight across , and although there was a ford half a verst away they were proud to be swimming and drowning in the river before the eyes of that man sitting on the log and not even looking at what they were doing 余下的奮力向前游向河對岸,雖然半俄里外就有一個渡口,他們仍以在那個人的注視下泅水過河和淹死在這條河里為驕傲,而那個坐在圓木上的人甚至連看也沒有看他們做了些什么。

They had started so late on the 1st of september , the road had been so blocked by waggons and troops , so many things had been forgotten , and servants sent back to get them , that they had decided to halt for the first night five versts from moscow 離莫斯科二十俄里。九月一日他們動身得太晚,道路上擠滿了車輛和士兵,忘記帶的東西又太多,又派人回去取,故爾決定這一晚就在莫斯科城外五俄里處住宿。

He mentioned to nikolay the stud - farms , where he might obtain horses , recommended him to a horse - dealer in the town , and a gentleman living twenty versts from the town , who had the best horses , and promised him every assistance . you are count ilya andreitchs son 他告訴尼古拉一些可以搞到馬匹的養馬場,介紹他去找一位城里的馬販子和離城二十俄里的一位地主他們都有良種馬,并允諾盡力協助。

He brought word shes moved into the otradnoe enclosure ; there was howling there . shes moved meant that the mother wolf , of whom both knew , had moved with her cubs into the otradnoe copse , which was a small hunting preserve about two versts away 遷移所指的就是他們二人都知道的那只母狼和幾只狼仔遷進了奧特拉德諾耶森林,這座林子離家有兩俄里之遙,這是一片范圍不大的林地。

That day nikolay rostov had received a note from boris informing him that the ismailovsky regiment was quartered for the night fifteen versts from olmtz , and that he wanted to see him to give him a letter and some money 這天,尼古拉羅斯托夫接到鮑里斯的便函,通知他說,伊茲梅洛夫兵團在離奧爾米茨十五俄里的地方歇宿,鮑里斯正在等候他,以便把金錢和信件轉交給他。

To remain at bogutcharovo was becoming unsafe . rumours came from all sides of the french being near , and in one village , fifteen versts from bogutcharovo , a house had been sacked by french marauders 繼續留在博古恰羅沃變得危險起來了,從四面八方傳來了法國人已經迫近的消息,在離博古恰羅沃十五俄里的一個村莊,有一所莊園已經遭到法國匪兵的搶劫。

The greatest disorder and depression had prevailed in the transport forces before znaim , which prince andrey had passed that morning , ten versts from the french . at grunte too a certain alarm and vague dread could be felt 茨奈姆離法國人有十俄里,安德烈公爵是日早晨得繞過茨奈姆正在茨奈姆前面駛行的輜重車隊的秩序極為混亂,士氣也低沉。

He was flushed a little from the rapid three - verst gallop , and as he pulled up his horse , he breathed a sigh of relief , and looked round at those among the faces of his suite that were as young and eager as his own 在疾馳三俄里之后,他的面部有點兒發紅,他勒住戰馬,緩了一口氣,掉轉頭來望望他的侍從們和他一樣年輕一樣興致勃勃的面孔。

Six cossacks had been left behind , two versts from mikulino , where the wood bordered the road . they were to bring word at once as soon as any fresh columns of french came into sight 游擊隊在米庫林納和沙姆舍沃的兩端布置了監視崗哨,在米庫林納村后兩里路,森林靠近大路的地方,布置了六名哥薩克,只要一有法國軍隊出現,就立刻報告。