
verse n.1.詩句,詩行。2.詩篇;詩節。3.韻文 ( opp...

By then he was internationally known for such works in prose and verse as “hyperion“ (1839), “voice of the night“ (1839) . 那時他已以下列詩文作品蜚聲國際:《海皮里昂》(1839),《夜吟》(1839)。

A verse from psalms knifed into pug's mind: “put not your trust in princes. “ 《詩篇》里有一句話閃過帕格的腦海:“不要相信王侯。”


10 what principle can be concluded from these verses 從這段經文可總結出什麼原則

A ' verse where life is welcomed and cherished 那兒,生命會受到歡迎且得到關愛

Don ' t you think it deserves at least one verse 你不認為至少應有一個經節提到嗎?

Feng zi - zhen and hunan ' s lyric verses of the yuan dynasty 馮子振與元代湖南散曲

On the catalogue style of verse popular in yuan dynasty 試論元人元曲批評之目錄體

The deconstruction of humanism spirit in online verse 網絡詩歌對人文精神的解構

A line of verse consisting of five metrical feet 五音步的每行有五個韻腳的一種詩

Two verses involved in the case of ? poems of chinese plum flower 詩案中的兩句詩

On the images and cultural character of song iambic verses 論宋詞意象的文化品格

Ai qing ' s aesthetic theory of prose in verse revisited 再談艾青的詩歌散文美理論

He wrote a sentimental verse to his lover (他為他的愛人寫了一首動情的詩歌。 )

Sandburg and lindsay walked the tight-rope; if the tension of their verse slackened; they were precipitated into extremes of prosiness or sentimentality . 桑德伯格和林賽走的是繃緊的鋼索;假如他們的詩在張力上一放松,就要摔到兩個極端去,不是平淡無味,就是無病呻吟。

For hundreds of years, drama and dance, music and verse have been combined in different ways to compose grand and light operas . 數百年來,戲劇與舞蹈,音樂與詩歌都曾以各種不同的方式相結合,形成了大歌劇、輕歌劇。

He was the bard of the farmers and workers of new england and his quiet verse mirrored the staid new hampshire countryside . 他是新英格蘭農民和工人的歌唱者,他的閑適的詩歌反映著新罕布什爾寧靜的農村生活。

By then he was internationally known for such works in prose and verse as “hyperion“ (1839), “voice of the night“ (1839) . 那時他已以下列詩文作品蜚聲國際:《海皮里昂》(1839),《夜吟》(1839)。

Edward taylor, the best poet of colonial america, wrote metaphysical verse after its vogue had passed in england . 殖民時代美國的最佳詩人愛德華泰勒,在玄學派的詩不復盛行于英國后,還在寫它。

And now, had i the pen of a mighty poet, would i sing in epic verse the noble wrath of the archdeacon . 倘使我具有一位氣勢磅礴的詩人的筆力,我就會寫一首敘事詩來稱頌會吏長所感到的憤怒了。