
veronese n.〔 sing., pl. 〕 意大利維羅納 (Ver...


The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building contains works by some of the world ' s greatest artists such as giorgione , titian , tintoretto , veronese and others 整個威尼斯城就是一幅非凡的建筑杰作,即便是城中最不起眼的建筑也可能是出自諸如焦爾焦內、提香、丁托列托、韋羅內塞等世界大師之手。

I should want to feast my eyes upon the warm colors of veronese , study the mysteries of e1 greco , catch a new vision of nature from corot 這些能被觸摸到的藝術作品對我有著實在的意義,但即使這些藝術品既是為了觀看又是為了摸的,我也只能是猜度我仍未發現的美妙。

A conjecture on veronese generating submanifolds 生成子流形的一個猜想