
verner n.弗納〔姓氏〕。


Is housed in a new building constructed at a cost of hk 390m and funded by the hong kong sar government . it is a comprehensive state - of - the - art museum designed by the p t architects and engineers ltd . , based on the architectural concept of mr e . verner johnson 香港歷史博物館新館,總樓面面積17 , 500平方米,由香港政府撥款港幣三億九千萬興建,是一座綜合性的現代化博物館大樓,建筑物乃由本港巴馬丹拿建筑及工程師有限公司( palmer & turner architects and engineers ltd . )按照威拿

Nobel : literature : verner von heidenstam 諾貝爾文學獎

1916 carl gustaf verner von heidenstam sweden 1916年魏爾納海頓斯坦姆瑞典