
vermes n.〔pl.〕 【動物;動物學】蠕形動物,蠕蟲類。


The former is a kind of brachiopod and the latter belongs to vermes . the fossils of each sub - dominant species took its place from three percent to five percent in quantity . on one hand , the fossils of early vertebrata , hemichordata , urochordata , cephalochordata and vetulicolian which connects invertebrata and vertebrata have been caught one by one in the continuous excavating work of early life institute field work team of north west university since 1996 他們還認為節肢動物長尾納羅蟲( naraoialongicaudata ) 、刺狀納羅蟲( naraoiospinosa )和耳形等刺蟲( isoxysauritus )以及腕足動物東方日射水母貝( heliomedusaorienta ) 、線形蟲動物圓筒帽天山蠕蟲( maotianshaniacylindrica )均為次優勢種,它們的個體數量分別占化石總數的百分之三到五。

Conclusion transient mutism may occtur in pediatfic patient following removal of a giant tumor in region of the cerebellar vermis 結論兒童后顱凹小腦蚓部巨大型腫瘤全切術后易出現緘默癥。