
vermeil n.1.〔詩〕朱紅色;【礦物】朱砂。2.鍍金的銀[青銅、...


The manual colored drawing was the main decorating pattern of ancient lacquerware , which taking the black as bottom color , drawing with colored paints such as vermeil , red , brown , claybank , emerald green , white and so on in the methods of graphic drawing and line drawing 古代漆器的紋樣圖案主要是手工彩繪,以黑色為底,運用平繪、線描的方法,用朱紅、紅、熟褐、棕黃、翠綠、白色等色漆進行繪畫,漆畫也是中國最早的繪畫,是中國繪畫的源頭。

Now we have fresh kraen 2 chilli sold on the market , it is about 15 cm long and is vermeil 現有韓國二號鮮紅辣椒,已上市面上。其長度15公分左右,顏色鮮紅。