
verifiable adj.可證實的;可檢驗的;可考證的。n.-bility...


“ the tendency of our own day is . . . towards firm , solid , verifiable knowledge ” ( william h . mallock ) “我們今天的趨勢是…朝向一種堅定、堅實且可證明的知識” (威廉? h ?馬洛克) 。

Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness 聲稱某樣東西是正確的沒有什么意義,而提出可以證實的事實能證明它的正確性。

If they need stronger guarantees he should give them ? in return for a verifiable end to their weapons programmes 如果需要,他還應該給予更多的保證,以換取對他們在核問題的配合。

This page provides links to a variety of sources of reliable , verifiable information dealing with mind control 這頁提供了大量有關精神控制的可靠的、能佐證的信息資源的鏈接。

The channel requires all callers to provide a verifiable user identity . if 如果authenticationmode設置為identifycallers ,則信道將要求所有調用方都提供可驗證的用戶標識。

Covers . net features available through the c cli syntax , including the creation of pure msil and verifiable assemblies Net功能,包括純msil程序集和可驗證程序集的創建。

Discusses issues likely to arise when migrating to verifiable msil using the clr : safe compiler option 討論使用/ clr : safe編譯器選項遷移到可驗證msil時可能引發的問題。

Occurs only when verifiable managed code interacts with unmanaged code or with unsafe managed code 只在可驗證托管代碼與非托管代碼或非安全托管代碼交互時才會引發。

These adjectives are compared as they mean not imaginary but having verifiable existence 當這些形容詞意為非想象的而是能證實存在的時,常把它們進行比較。

Which causes the compiler to generate errors for each non - verifiable code construct 生成可驗證的組件,這將使編譯器針對每個不可驗證的代碼構造生成錯誤。

Future versions of windows will increasingly require components and applications to be verifiable Windows的將來版本日益要求組件和應用程序是可驗證的。

The iso quality standard sets in place a system to deploy policy and verifiable objectives Iso品質標準設計在系統中用來安排政策方針和可驗證的目標。

One point to remember is that trust in computer security must be computationally verifiable 要記住的一點是相信計算機安全一定能通過計算的方法驗證。

To be sure , the dhamma does have an aspect which is directly visible and personally verifiable 確切地說,佛法有一個方面是直接可見、并親身可證的。

It is not at all uncommon for these security tokens to have no cryptographically verifiable information 這些安全性令牌一般沒有密碼驗證信息。

Verifiable assemblies offer these advantages over pure and mixed assemblies 與純程序集和混合程序集相比,可驗證程序集具有下列優點:

Any operation that attempts to reference a null reference in verifiable code throws 試圖在可驗證代碼中引用空引用的任何操作都將引發

Produces an msil - only no native executable code and verifiable output file 生成僅包含msil (無本機可執行代碼)且可驗證的輸出文件。

Windows forms mixed assemblies pure verifiable assemblies reflection more Windows窗體混合程序集純程序集/可驗證程序集反射更多信息