
verbiage n.1.(措詞)啰嗦,冗長。2.〔蔑稱〕風格,措辭。短語...

Other names for this form of buddhism are mantrayana ( vehicle of the mantra ) , which refers to the use of the mantra to prevent the mind from going astray into the world of its fictions and their attendant verbiage and to remain aware of reality as such ; and guhyamantrayana , in which the word guhya ( “ hidden “ ) refers not to concealment but to the intangibility of the process of becoming aware of reality 這個佛教術語的其他名稱是咒乘(咒語的傳達手段) ,用咒語去防止思想誤入岐途,進入虛構的世界,他們的服務是空話,仍然對真實保持覺醒等諸如此類;密咒乘,其中的“密” (隱藏)不僅代表隱藏,而且還代表知曉真實的無形過程。


Other names for this form of buddhism are mantrayana ( vehicle of the mantra ) , which refers to the use of the mantra to prevent the mind from going astray into the world of its fictions and their attendant verbiage and to remain aware of reality as such ; and guhyamantrayana , in which the word guhya ( “ hidden “ ) refers not to concealment but to the intangibility of the process of becoming aware of reality 這個佛教術語的其他名稱是咒乘(咒語的傳達手段) ,用咒語去防止思想誤入岐途,進入虛構的世界,他們的服務是空話,仍然對真實保持覺醒等諸如此類;密咒乘,其中的“密” (隱藏)不僅代表隱藏,而且還代表知曉真實的無形過程。

If you get right down to the facts , after all the extra verbiage , ws - addressing really only introduces two new concepts : an 如果您正確地了解了事實,那么在所有多余的話之后, web服務尋址( ws - addressing )實際上只包括兩個新概念:

After elimination of all verbiage , this fact was the only residuum ( john lothrop motley 在剔除所有的贅語之后,剩下的就只有這個事實了(約翰?洛斯魯普?穆特利) 。

The speaker lost himself in verbiage 那個人演講疊床架屋興頭十足

He was a more than commonly candid english gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse . 他比一般無偏見的英國紳士更加公然地宣稱:他討厭詩人的言之無物、冗詞贅語和咬文嚼字。