
venice n.威尼斯〔意大利港市〕。 Gulf of Venice...

When montesquieu visited venice the “new science“ was recommended but there is no evidence that he either read or acquired the work . 孟德斯鳩訪問威尼斯時,有人推薦過《新科學》,至于他是否讀過或有過這本書,則缺乏足資證明的依據。

venice glass

- pleasure ' s mine , welcome to venice . - thank you very much -我也是,歡迎來威尼斯-非常感謝

Desire for sensation , or the anticipation of going to venice 或者是因為要到威尼斯去了? ”

If you fail to save venice , then i get my war 如果你拯救威尼斯失敗,我就得到我要的戰爭,

Pleasure ' s mine , welcome to venice . - thank you very much 我也是,歡迎來威尼斯-非常感謝

Best music award in venice movie festival 榮獲威尼斯電影節最佳音樂!

Venice has many places worth visiting 威尼斯有許多值得去看看的地方。

Lisbon outshone venice as a mart for oriental spices 里斯本作為東方香料市場勝過威尼斯。

And venice , on the airplane 40 , 000 feet in the air 在威尼斯,還有4萬英尺高空中的航班上

The leaders of europe are to meet secretly in venice 各國領袖會秘密在威尼斯舉行會議。

Not only did i adore kissing you in venice 不僅是因為我在威尼斯吻了你

In venice we met a south african couple 我們在維納斯見到一對南非夫婦。

Xiamen oriental venice residential buildings 6 units 廈門東方威尼斯6臺

The flood in venice was a major catastrophe 威尼斯的洪水是一場大災難。

I will not leave venice until my trunk is returned 我的衣箱拿不回來,我就不離開威尼斯

Not only did i adore kissing you in venice . . 不僅因為我在威尼斯吻了你. .

Can you imagine venice without tourists 你能想象威尼斯沒有游客的情形嗎?

I told you he was at venice with us 我告訴過你,我們在威尼斯時曾在一塊。

So it seems that we would be leaving venice 那么看起來我們就要離開威尼斯