
velocipede n.1.舊式自行車;〔戲謔語〕自行車。2.〔英俚〕兒童三...


Because in middle youth he had often sat observing through a rondel of bossed glass of a multicoloured pane the spectacle offered with continual changes of the thoroughfare without , pedestrians , quadrupeds , velocipedes , vehicles , passing slowly , quickly , evenly , round and round and round the rim of a round precipitous globe 因為他在青壯年時,經常坐在屋里,隔著那嵌有浮凸飾的五彩圓玻璃窗子,觀察外界大街上千變萬化的景物:步行者四足動物腳踏車車輛,或急匆匆或慢悠悠或不緊不慢地經過,沿著垂直的圓球面的邊緣滴溜溜滴溜溜滴溜溜地旋轉。

Today ' s bicycles are descendants of the earlier velocipede 今天的自行車是從早期的腳踏車發展而來的