
vehicle n.1.車輛;載運工具;飛行器;運行工具。2.媒介物,媒...


The usual vehicles of dispersal are wind (anemochory), water (hydrochory) . 通常傳播的媒介物是風(風播),水(水播)。

The usual vehicles of dispersal are wind (anemochory), water (hydrochory) . 通常傳播的媒介物是風(風播)、水(水播)。

Aerodynamic(passive)instability is a disadvantage for manned vehicles . 氣動力(被動)不穩定對于載人飛行器是不利的。

The usual vehicles of dispersal are wind, water and animals(zoochory) . 通常傳播的媒介物是風、水和動物(動物傳播)。

We carted a fair amount of lunar dust back inside the vehicle with us . 我們把數量可觀的月球塵埃隨身帶回到了飛船內。

The slosh mass locations move considerably aft of the c. g. of the vehicle . 晃動質量位置移至飛行器重心之后很多了。

The saturn family of launch vehicles falls into three types or groups . “土星族”發射飛行器可以分成為三類或三組。

Less benefit is achieved on this vehicle by use of the accelerometer . 在這個飛行器上使用加速度計帶來的好處不大。

Many new aspects of lunar research will be explored by space vehicles . 月球研究的許多新方面可用宇宙飛船來探測。

Man became convinced that water was a vehicle for the transmission of diseases . 人們確信水是傳播疾病的媒介物。

Monorail vehicles and ships use gyro verticals for stabilization . 獨軌車輛及船舶上使用陀螺垂直器作為穩定之用。

Inventors everywhere were scrambling to build motorized vehicles . 世界各地的發明家都在爭先恐后地來造機動車輛。

There is not much clearance for tall vehicles passing under this bridge . 高大車輛在這橋下通過時沒有多大余隙。

Zip also describes a vehicle moving fast but does not suggest noise . Zip也指車快速行駛,但不含發出聲響之意。

As the vehicle speed increases, transition to 120v operation occurs . 當車速提高時,就轉換到120V運行的狀態。

The saturn family of launch vehicles falls into three types or groups . “土星族”飛行器可以分為三類或三組。

The principal difficulty was how to raise and place me in this vehicle . 主要的困難是怎樣把我抬放到車子上。

The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop . 紅色信號燈表示人和車輛不能通行。

Smoother vehicles may have drag coefficients of the order of 0.55 . 光滑飛行器的阻力系數可能為055量級。