
vegetate vi.1.(植物)生長;像植物一樣發育。2.坐吃,過呆板...

This work is under the project “ numerical study of turbulent flow in open channel with a vegetated region “ . two numerical models have been proposed and developed by using the technique of large eddy simulation ( les ) . model verification and applications have been carried out subsequently 本文結合“帶有植物的河道水流紊流運動數值計算研究”項目,應用大渦模擬方法,提出了兩個河道水流紊流運動大渦模擬數值計算模型,并應用模型對帶有植物的河道水流紊流運動進行了數值模擬計算研究。


The propagules of b . gymnorrhiza and a . corniculatum undergo some growth before becoming detached from the parent plant . they accumulated large amounts of ions during the development while the level of ion concentrations are consistently lower in their embryos compared to leaves of parent plant . before detachment , the growth of hypocotyls were reduced , the water content declined , while the osmotic potential was approaching to or more negative than that of the solution on which their parent plant vegetating 另一方面維持較大比例的有機滲透調節劑,控制細胞液中鹽離子的水平以減少代謝毒害;木欖成熟胚軸的密度接近或低于生境中海水的密度,適于隨水漂浮和傳播;胚軸內離子濃度呈下降趨勢,但最終以達到和母樹生境中的離子濃度水平相一致為目標。

3 . a three - dimensional - acoustic doppler velocimeter has been used to measure the velocity and turbulence in a compound channel with vegetated and unvegetated flood - plains . particulary in the interface region between main channel and floodplain . the distribution in three coordinate directions of velocity and turbulence intensities and the renolds stresses are presented . the momentum transfer at the main channel flood - plain interface can be described as an apparent shear stress which can be quantified as a function of the local turbulence at the interface 采用adv對灘地種樹前后灘槽交界區域的流速場進行了量測。分析了灘槽交界區域的垂線流速、紊動強度和雷諾應力的變化。將灘槽交界的動量傳遞描述為一表觀應力,這個表觀應力可以看作是交界面處的脈動函數并將其定量化。

In this paper , based on achievement of flow with partly vegetated channel of predecessors , according to vegetation types , the flow over flexible bottom vegetation and rigid one is experimentally studied . the main researches as follows : 1 . open channel flow over flexible bottom vegetation is studied experimentally 本文較系統地總結了前人對有植被的河道水流問題的研究成果,將有植被的河道水流問題分為兩大類: ( 1 )流經柔性植被的河道水流問題, ( 2 )流經剛性植被的河道水流問題,本文分別進行試驗研究。

Recently , an increase in awareness of the hydrodynamic behavior in vegetated channels has spurred additional studiespresence of vegetation in the flow modifies the velocity distribution , and hence , produces high resistance to flow , and , as a result , has a large impact on the capacity of flood carrying as well as promoting geomorphic stability . but the quantitative influence ofvegetation are still not well understood 近來,流經植被的水流的運動特性,正在逐漸引起人們的注意。水中植被的存在抬高了河道水位,改變了河道水流的結構,減小了河道水流的平均流速,在促進地貌穩定的同時,也使河道的行洪能力降低。

The computational results of models are in satisfactorily agreement with the experimental data . all the results show the validity of the proposed models . the present k - l les and 3d k - l les model are proven to be new useful tools for the study on turbulent flow in open channel with a vegetated region K - lles模型和3dk - lles模型為進行帶有植物的河道水流紊流運動數值計算研究,特別是對分析存在植物的河道水流運動形態及由于植物的阻礙在河道中產生的大尺度渦的形成、發展研究提供了一個新的研究途徑。

This work is under the project “ numerical study of turbulent flow in open channel with a vegetated region “ . two numerical models have been proposed and developed by using the technique of large eddy simulation ( les ) . model verification and applications have been carried out subsequently 本文結合“帶有植物的河道水流紊流運動數值計算研究”項目,應用大渦模擬方法,提出了兩個河道水流紊流運動大渦模擬數值計算模型,并應用模型對帶有植物的河道水流紊流運動進行了數值模擬計算研究。

During the growing season , the soil water content from 0 - 200 cm of vegetated sites was closely related to precipitation , but the barren slope was different . soil water content under bare soil remained relatively high ( 12 % ) throughout the growing season 各植被類型立地0 ? 200cm土壤水分的季節變化與降水量的季節分布一致,但對照裸坡地整個生長季土壤水分呈波動變化,平均土壤含水量維持在12左右的較高水平。

2 . based on the achievement of predecessors physical modeling and fundamental theory of hydrodynamic behavior of compound channel with rigid vegetated floodplains are studied in this paper . hydrodynamic behavior of compound with rigid vegetated floodplains is conclued 在前人研究的基礎上對河灘上種有樹木的復式斷面渠道的水流特性進行了試驗研究,著重分析了灘地種樹密度、排列方式對水流的影響。

1 at each pole location , the permit holder shall re - vegetate the ground with native trees / shrubs species to reinstate the landscape back to the original conditions and to maintain the re - established vegetation for two years after the commissioning of the project 許可證持有人須在每個電纜桿地面位置重新種植本土樹木/灌木品種,藉此回復原有景觀,并在工程項目啟用后兩年間,保養重新種植的植物。

The hatchlings are altrucial and fledging periods ranged from 29 to 32 days . the research also testified the breeding of the swinhoes egret in south china which bred on vegetated , unmanned islands , and was a summer visitor to the south china area 雛鳥晚成性,離巢日29 - 32 。證實黃嘴白鷺繁殖于華南,屬于華南地區的夏候鳥,其營巢只發生在有植被分布的無居民島嶼。

Though dryopteris crassirhizoma usually vegetated under forest and had definite overcast endurance , the excessively overcast environment went against the growth and reproduction of dryopteris crassirhizoma population 盡管粗莖鱗毛蕨常生長在林下,有一定的耐陰性,但是過陰環境不利于粗莖鱗毛蕨種群的生長發育和繁殖更新。

However , the riparian marshlands and vegetated areas are currently zoned as unspecified uses , which may be developed if there are no restricted uses on these ecologically important areas 然而,河岸的沼澤及長有植被的地區現時劃為未指定用途地區,沒有土地用途限制,可在這些具生態價值的地區進行發展。

On inanimate nature , as on the men and women who cultivated it , a prevalent tendency towards an appearance of vegetating unwillingly - dejected disposition to give up , and wither away 不能行動的自然界也跟培植它的人一樣有一種普遍的傾向:不樂意生長垂頭喪氣沒精打采寧可枯萎。

[ b ] a pristine campsite [ / b ] , with no evidence of previous use , is appropriate in arid lands provided it is on a non - vegetated , highly resistant surface 在原生土地上駐營[ / b ] ,應該找干燥沒有植被并且易于恢復的地段,像巖石,碎石或沙子質地的開闊地帶就是很好的選擇。

A pristine campsite [ / b ] , with no evidence of previous use , is appropriate in arid lands provided it is on a non - vegetated , highly resistant surface 在原生土地上駐營[ / b ] ,應該找干燥沒有植被并且易于恢復的地段,像巖石,碎石或沙子質地的開闊地帶就是很好的選擇。

The well - vegetated peri - urban hills are heavily used for passive recreation , with the distinct advantage of being located within walking distance of the city 這些在市區邊緣的小山由于林木茂盛,且信步可達,所以廣受市民大眾的歡迎,作郊野漫步及休憩之用。

The circled area on the satellite image indicates rather extensive urbanization ( reddish in colour ) . it contrasts sharply with the adjacent vegetated areas ( green ) 從衛星圖像中可見珠江口附近廣泛地區的都市發展(紅色) ,跟附近的植被(綠色)形成強烈對比。

A pristine campsite , with no evidence of previous use , is appropriate in arid lands provided it is on a non - vegetated , highly resistant surface 在原生土地上駐營,應該找干燥沒有植被并且易于恢復的地段,像巖石,碎石或沙子質地的開闊地帶就是很好的選擇。