
vaudeville n.1.〔英國〕輕松歌舞劇,輕松喜劇。2.〔美國〕雜耍。...

“ well , do you want to get in a comedy or on the vaudeville stage or in the chorus ? “喔,你是想演喜劇,還是雜耍劇,還是當群舞演員。 ”

vaudeville house

Set in the 1930s , this is the story of a young and beautiful actress ann darrow from the world of vaudeville who finds herself lost in depression - era new york and her luck changes when she meets an over - ambitious filmmaker carl denham who brings her on an exploratory expedition to a remote island where she finds compassion and the true meaning of humanity with an ape kong 就在最失意之際,她遇上了制片人卡爾積伯克飾演,改變了她一生的命運。卡爾是一個企業家,也是一個冒險家,他聽聞在骷髏島上有一只巨猿kong ,認為只要在當地拍攝一歷險電影,把kong攝入鏡頭,影片就可賣個滿堂紅。

The competition of setting meaning is the most important competition . this paper will analyze xiqu vaudeville tv column ’ s setting meaning through the following three aspects such as histrionic construction , thematic narrative and redefined spectator by taking liyuanchun as a representative example 內容設置上的戲劇性構造是《梨園春》最核心的部分,圍繞這一點,更進一步的主題性敘事的挖掘深化了節目的內涵,而且戲劇性構造對于觀眾的角色化和主體化的設置,幾乎重新定義了觀眾對于節目的意義。

On all accounts , this paper expects to observe the two correctings of liyuanchun through a continuous and holistic viewpoint . ultimately , this paper wants to get what miss and what gain in the sense of setting meaning based on liyuanchun ’ s tv practice , we will get the enlightenment of xiqu vaudeville tv column ’ s further development as well 總之本文試圖通過從一個連續的、整體的角度來觀察《梨園春》兩次改版過程中所表現出來的特征以及改版效果,希圖能揭示戲曲綜藝欄目發展得失背后的規律,啟示未來的發展。

Liyuanchun in hntv has slided up the curtain in 1999 that xiqu vaudeville tv column began to take part in the mainstream tv columns . liyuanchun became a model studied by a lot of xiqu vaudeville tv columns . so , it ’ s very important to know what is the soul of liyuanchun ’ s setting meaning 1999年河南電視臺《梨園春》欄目改版,創立了戲迷擂臺賽的節目模式,這次改版獲得了巨大的成功,也使《梨園春》欄目成為眾多電視臺的戲曲綜藝欄目學習的對象。

The reason the film industry started in these cities is because there were plenty of trained professionals ( acrobats , dancers , actors , and stagehands ) from vaudeville , the performing arts theater that was popular at the turn of the century 影片工業在這些城市發源的原因在于,它們擁有許多來自輕歌舞劇且受過訓練的專業人員(特技人員、舞者、演員及舞臺工作人員) ,這是世紀交替時,廣為流傳的一種表演藝術劇場。

By the 1870s , the protagonists of real - life crime and moral transgression were appearing on the vaudeville stage as similar protagonists today appear on tabloid tv shows : human commodities of trash 到19世紀70年代,那些實際生活中的作奸犯科者、道德淪喪者,竟然已經堂而皇之地出現在歌舞表演中,這一幕與如今八卦電視節目何其相似,文化垃圾商品的真人版而已!

Today people may remember brown ' s name , or that she was british , or that her doctors , steptoe and edwards , sounded vaguely like a vaudeville act 時至今日,或許有人還記得布朗這個名字、她是個英國人,還有她醫生的名字:斯特普托及愛德華斯,但這些就像是聽過的一幕輕歌劇那般不真切。

It s not that . it s just that if you had told me you wanted to come to the vaudeville this evening , i could have sent you tickets for a box every bit as well as he could “沒有的事,不過如果您早跟我講今天晚上想到歌舞劇院來,我也會像他一樣把這個包廂的票子給您送來的。 ”

But by the late 1920s , the growing popularity of motion pictures replaced the vaudeville acts and circus spectacles presented at the hippodrome 但是在1920年代晚期,電影吸引了大批觀眾,使得雜耍表演與馬戲團表演的觀眾大量流失,競技場劇院的人氣也不如以往。

After a while , i left the palais - royal and did the rounds of all the theatres where she went most often ? to the vaudeville , the varietes and the opera - comique 于是,我離開了王宮劇院,凡是她經常去的劇院我一家一家都跑遍了:歌舞劇院雜耍劇院喜劇歌劇院。

Set in the 1930s , this is the story of a young and beautiful actress ann darrow from the world of vaudeville who finds herself lost in depression - era 1933年,一個神秘而又浪漫的年代,亦是全球經濟大衰退,刺激人類挑戰世界挺而冒險的時代。

The most popular vaudeville ( variety stage ) artists of the day , including harry houdini , performed at the hippodrome during its heyday 當時最受歡迎的雜耍表演藝術家,包括哈利胡迪尼等人,都在競技場劇院全盛時進行表演。

Although i was burning with fever , i was dressed and taken to the vaudeville 盡管我發著高燒,我還是叫人替我穿好了衣服,乘車到歌舞劇院去。

“ well , do you want to get in a comedy or on the vaudeville stage or in the chorus ? “喔,你是想演喜劇,還是雜耍劇,還是當群舞演員。 ”

Chinese vaudeville show 中國?寶小丑雜耍

Do you know the names of any other stars from that vaudeville era 你知道在那個時候表演過的雜耍演員嗎?

A short , comic vaudeville skit that ends with lights off 熄燈結束以燈光熄滅而結束的一場滑稽雜耍短劇

The room was decorated with pictures of vaudeville celebrities 這個房間有輕歌舞劇明星的照片裝飾。