
vast adj.1.廣大的,遼闊的,(海、平原等)茫茫的,浩瀚的...


The domain is vast . 領域廣大。

I had always felt a vast distance separating me from the boss . 過去我總認為我和老板之間有著巨大的鴻溝。

I know that it's too vast a philosophy to grasp immediately . 我知道那么宏大的哲學是不可能一下子掌握的。

The problems are so vast and extend over so many pollutants . 這些問題如此重要并且涉及到那么多的污染物。

Vast and irregular plains of ice stretched out in every direction . 唯見延綿不絕,高低起伏的一片冰洲。

For an hour they moved along vast desolated plain . 他們在一片滿目荒敗的廣漠平野上行駛了足有一個鐘頭。

Our country has a large population , vast territory and abundant resources . 我國人口眾多,地大物博。

Its vast storehouse of natural resources became apparent to all . 大家都看到了它廣大自然資源的寶藏。

These vast slaughters have since become notorious . 此后,這些大規模的屠殺,就變成了很不光彩的新聞。

This is a shocking indictment of a vast section of our economy . 這是一項震撼我們整個經濟的起訴案。

California gave us our first vast system of freeways . 加利福尼亞州修成了頭一個龐大的高速公路網。

Your handshake came over the vastest distance in the world . 你的握手跨過了世界上最遙遠的距離。

He was of a vast embrace . 他有廣博的愛。

Pug saw vast quantities of lend-lease material in use . 帕格看到了大量的租借物資在發揮作用。

The candle made only a glimmer in the vast room . 蠟燭在這個很大的房間里僅僅發出一線微光。

A look of vast relief spread across major joy's face . 喬伊少校臉上露出了大為安心的神情。

Everybody goes to this vast square in the evening . 每天傍晚,人人都上這寬闊的廣場上來。

New york is a vast melting-pot of different nationalities . 紐約是不同國籍的人的聚居地。

I'm sure there's a vast many smart beaux in exeter . 我確信埃克塞有許多漂亮的公子哥兒。