
vasovagal adj.【醫學】迷走神經作用于(血管)循環系統(引起)的...


A clinical history may , however , be the most suggestive entity for a repeat episode , and the “ standard ” diagnosis of vasovagal syncope usually involves a clinical history and observation , if possible , of the patient at the time of the symptoms ( 2 ) 然而,臨床病史對暈厥的再次發生是最有意義的,同時血管迷走神經性暈厥診斷的金標準常包括臨床病史和觀測(如果可能對患者發作時的觀察) [ 2 ] 。

The head - up tilt table testing is performed using a specially designed tilting table in which , when the patient is tilted from supine to upright positions , vasovagal syncope is precipitated in predisposed patients 直立傾斜試驗在特殊設計的傾斜床上進行,患者由仰臥位向直立位過渡,此時對于易感病人血管迷走性暈厥。

While alterations in autonomic tone are generally accepted to be important to the vasodilatory response , it remains unclear whether these changes promote or follow the vasovagal response 常認為自主神經張力的變化與血管舒張反射有關,但是這些變化是否促使或伴隨迷走性暈厥的出現尚不清楚。

As specific physiologic triggers have not been clearly identified , it is difficult to identify those patients who may be at risk for vasovagal syncope 因為血管迷走神經性暈厥的特殊生理機制尚未明了,因此,很難鑒別可能存在血管迷走神經性暈厥的患者。

Profound vasodilation has been considered the final common pathway leading to vasovagal syncope , and as such , is the focus of many investigations 現在認為,導致迷走性暈厥的最終原因為復雜的血管擴張,這也成為很多研究的重點。

Patients with a clinical history of vasovagal syncope have been reported to have a positive tilt testing result in 30 - 85 % of cases ( 2 ) 對于有血管迷走性暈厥臨床病史的病人,據報道傾斜試驗的陽性率為30 % - 85 % [ 2 ] 。

Hemodynamic patterns and changes of autonomic nerve function in patients with cardio - inhibitory vasovagal syncope during tilt - table testing 血管迷走性暈厥病人傾斜試驗中的反應模式及自主神經變化

Dr . william ravich said choking can cause a person to faint , an occurrence known as vasovagal syncope 威廉拉維奇醫生說窒息可以引起昏厥,這種情況稱為血管迷走神經性昏厥。

Dr . william ravich said choking can cause a person to faint , an occurrence known as vasovagal syncope 威廉?拉維奇醫生說窒息可以引起昏厥,這種情況稱為血管迷走神經性昏厥。

There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to vasovagal syncope 體格檢查沒有發現與血管迷走神經性暈厥相關的特異體征。

What is the tilt test and how has it been adapted for use in patients with vasovagal syncope 何為傾斜試驗?該試驗是如何用于血管迷走神經性暈厥患者的?

Have more invasive therapies been suggested for the treatment of vasovagal syncope 有沒有侵入性治療推薦用于血管迷走神經性暈厥的治療?

What therapies appear most effective for the treatment of vasovagal syncope 血管迷走神經性暈厥的治療措施中哪種方法最有效?

Analysis of heart rate variability in patients with three types of vasovagal syncope 老年高血壓患者心率變異性的臨床分析

What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope 血管迷走神經性暈厥出現的先兆癥狀和體征有哪些?

Cause analysis of vasovagal syncope induced by treadmill exercises test 平板運動實驗所致血管迷走性暈厥的原因分析

What therapies have been advocated for the treatment of vasovagal syncope 血管迷走神經性暈厥的治療措施有哪些?

Are there any new initiatives into the triggers of vasovagal syncope 是否有新的迷走性暈厥的作用機制?

With which scenarios is vasovagal syncope usually associated 血管迷走神經性暈厥常和哪些情況有關?