
variscite n.【礦物】磷酸鋁石。


The stone : variscite is an elegant gemstone that is sometimes confused with the greener types of turquoise . the colors of variscite are shades of green ranging from light bluish - green to dark green and has a waxy luster 磷鋁石variscite ,是一種從透到不透,淺黃綠色及淺綠色的含水磷酸鋁,由于顏色和含有微褐色填隙物質的緣故,許多磷鋁石常常用來代替綠松石。

Variscite helps with recalling past lives and is considered to be an excellent meditation stone . it balances the central nervous system and eases depression , fear , worry , anxiety and impatience 磷鋁石的折射率點測值較低,只有1 . 57 ,磷鋁石在長短波紫外線下均會出現惰性弱綠色熒光。

It is soothing , calming , and balancing for the body and mind . many metaphysicians claim that variscite brings financial abundance . healing power 在反射光照射下會出現獨特的吸收光譜, 688nm的強吸收帶, 650nm弱帶, 500nm全吸收。