
variation n.1.變化,變動。2.變量,變度,偏差。3.【語言】語...


His staff had developed the attack plan through its final variations and details . 他的參謀班子已經對進攻方案作了最后的修改和補充。

There is, however, a wide variation in the resistance of enteric viruses to chlorine . 然而各種腸道病毒對氯的抵抗力是有很大差別的。

The subsequent variations in composition cause large changes in the film properties . 組成連續變化的結果會引起薄膜性質的較大變化。

In view of the variation in the dip, here could be a local anticlinal fold . 鑒于傾斜方向的變化,此地可能存在一個局部的背斜褶皺。

The endless variations of drainage pattern make descriptive characteristics difficult . 水系型式的無限變化給描述特征帶來了困難。

The information content is then proportional to the bandwidth of the imposed variation . 此時信息容量正比于所載入的變化的帶寬。

These changes correspond in a way to the variations of the earth's gravity with latitude . 這些變化類似于地球重力隨緯度的變化。

A number of variations of the apparatus described here have been employed successfully . 這種裝置的許多改型都曾經用得很成功。

Discontinuous geographic variation is often set aside as a special case . 不連續地理變異,人們往往作為一種特殊情況把它分開。

The purpose of reoccupations is to keep track of diurnal variations in the earth's field . 重測的目的在于記錄地磁場的日變。

Reproduction is constant irrespective of climate and other variations . 不管氣候與其他環境條件如何變化,繁殖能力維持恒定。

The heats of formation of various ionic compounds show tremendous variations . 各種離子化合物的生成熱顯示出有很大的差異。

Electricity compensates for barometric pressure as well as system pressure variations . 用電補償大氣壓和系統壓力的變化。

Probably because the cemented lenses are distorted by temperature variations . 這大概是因為膠合透鏡會因溫度變化而變形。

The variations found are attributable to well-defined geochemical processes . 已知的各種變化都屬于一定的地球化學過程。

The total variation range in seed weight for all crosses was 16. 7 mg . 所有雜交在種子重量上的總變異范圍為167毫克。

In monochrome maps, of course, colour variation cannot be employed at all . 當然,單色地圖根本不可能采用顏色的變化。

Bolman has studied regional variation in douglas fir seed yields . 鮑爾曼曾研究過道格拉斯冷杉種子產量地區間的差異。

Many variations of these units and many sizes are in operation at present . 現在運轉的有很多式樣和不同大小的裝置。