
vanish vi.1.消失不見;消滅,消散 (from)。2.【數學...

vanishing cream

The phenomenon was so striking and disturbing that his philosophical tranquility vanished . 這個令人惶惑不安的現象,擾亂了他的曠達寧靜的心境。

His hero was firmly rooted in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier . 他的主角深深扎根于歷史和消失了的未開發地的神話中。

A haze rested on the low shores that ran out to sea in vanishing flatness . 卻見那低平的海岸線,沿海伸展,漸漸消失,上面靜靜地飄著一層薄霧。

British seapower, after two centuries of hegemony, vanished from the indian ocean . 掌握了兩個世紀霸權的英國海軍,在印度洋上銷聲匿跡了。

The last shareholder was vanishing through the door, when he approached his uncle . 等到最后一個股東走出門時,他才走到自己的伯父跟前。

A few minutes later she had vanished beneath the waves amidst a vast pall of smoke . 幾分鐘后,它就在煙霧彌漫中沉沒在波濤之下了。

The boys' troubles vanished away, and they went gaily to their posts . 孩子們心中的憂慮云消霧散了,全都高高興興的走到自己的崗位。

If the circulation vanishes at one instant of time, it must vanish for all times . 只要環量在某一瞬間為零,它就必須永遠為零。

The dark clouds hanging over the relations between the two countries will quickly vanish . 籠罩著兩國關系的陰云會迅速消散。

His genial manner vanished and his voice grew on a sudden hard and stern . 他的和善態度消失了,聲音一下子變得冷酷而嚴厲。

Obviously they must go to sea and vanish among the innumerable islands . 顯然,它們必須出海并隱沒在無數的島嶼之間。

Whatever initial worries we had about the plane soon vanished . 開始時我們對這架飛機的不放心,不久就煙消云散了。

As a rule , where the broom does not reach the dust will not vanish of itself . 掃帚不到,灰塵照例不會自己跑掉。

My goods have vanished and the insurance company will have to pay up . 我的貨物已蕩然無存,保險公司得賠償損失。

All pen's splendor and magnificence vanished away at this . 這么一來,潘那豪華的氣派,尊貴的表情,全不知去向。

Having turned in this sorry performance, he vanished from history . 作出了這番拙劣的表演,他在歷史中消失了。

His body felt light to him, then it dwindled, vanished . 他覺得身子飄飄然,跟著這身子漸漸越縮越小就此沒啦。

The quicksilvery glaze on the rivers and pools vanished . 河流和池塘的水面上水銀般的光澤現在都完全消失了。

Luciana vanished aboard one of the diminutive green vehicles . 露西安娜閃身上了一輛綠色的小型汽車不見了。