
vandal n.1.汪達爾人〔四、五世紀時侵入羅馬帝國的日耳曼民族〕...

Though there is a sign “ don ' t touch the exhibits “ , many paintings were still smeared by vandals 雖有請勿觸碰展品的告示,但許多畫作仍遭人惡意弄污。


Railway material in general . antivandalism protection . test method of laceration resistance , with a blade , of vandal - proof covering 鐵路通用材料.對人為損壞的防護.防人為破壞的保護蓋耐刀片劃傷的試驗方法

Vandals converged on the wiki and wrecked it , until the newspaper shut it down and parted with mr kinsley 文化藝術破壞者聚集在維基上并破壞了它,最后《洛杉磯時報》不得不關閉這個頁面并辭退了金斯利。

Top mounted vandal resistant ez - tc - ss test cocks provide easy access for testing ? no tools or fittings required for testing 頂部安裝防破壞ez - tc - ss測試旋塞,易于檢測-檢測時不需要工具或連接件。

Sadly , the elements and vandals have left their marks over the years . many marker stones are now disfigured or worn down 然而經過數十年的風雨侵蝕及人為破壞,不少座標已塌下又或失去原貌。

Two years ago in edinburgh , scotland , eco - vandals stormed a field , crushing canola plants 兩年前,一群生態駭客沖進蘇格蘭愛丁堡的一塊農田,搗毀了種植的油菜。

Though there is a sign “ don ' t touch the exhibits “ , many paintings were still smeared by vandals 雖有請勿觸碰展品的告示,但許多畫作仍遭人惡意弄污。

Getting to play as the city razing vandals that plague every civ builder is a real treat 把城市夷為平地來折磨那些文明的建造者還真是一件樂事哈。

Roadway and area lighting equipment - vandal shields for roadway and arealighting luminaires 道路和區域照明設備.道路和區域照明燈具的裝飾保護罩

Some of the more effective cyber snoops and vandals may not be government employees 很多更有水平的電子破壞和偷盜可能并不來源于政府雇員。

Vandals seriously damage artwork by the renowned artist claude monet 享有盛譽的藝術大師克勞德?莫奈的作品被一些文藝破壞者嚴重損毀。

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Vandals seriously damage artwork by the renowned artist claude monet 著名繪畫大師克勞德?莫奈的作品被一群歹徒破壞,受損嚴重。

30 irs color camera vandal proof color dome camera 0621 ir color waterproof camera 1200 ir日夜防水型紅外線彩色攝影機

Railway rolling stock . vandal - proof covering . characteristics and tests 鐵路車輛.防人為破壞的保護蓋.特性和試驗

Vandal - resistant light fittings 不易被人破壞的照明裝置

21ir vandal color camera 0721 ir防水型紅外線彩色攝影機

21ir vandal color camera 0721 ir color waterproof camera 9 inch b w monitor 20寸高解析彩色監視器附聲音

The only way to treat vandals is to come down on them hard 對待破壞他人財產唯一的辦法是嚴厲懲罰他們。