
valin n.【生物化學】纈胺酸。


It is not only influnce the survival of valin group but also influnce the industrialization progress of hunan province . this book appraised the foreground of the product market , raising money and using money , budget and potential risk of this project by using the method of project evaluation , analysised avail factor and disadvantage factor , then bring forward measures of evading project risk to help erector and bank who provide a loan 本文運用項目評估方法,對華菱薄板項目的產品市場前景、資金籌措與運用、財務預測與分析及項目潛在風險等方面進行評價,分析項目建設的有利因素和不利影響,得出評估結論,提出規避項目風險的措施,為項目建設單位及項目資金承貸銀行提供指導和幫助。