
vair n.〔古語〕(中世高級階層作服飾的)灰鼠毛皮;【徽章】毛...


Raise me a dais of silk and down ; hang it with vair and purple dyes ; carve it with doves and pomegranates and peacocks with a hundred eyes ; work it in gold and silver grapes , in leaves and silver fleurs - de - lys ; because the birthday of my life is coming , my love is coming to me 為我造一座絲絨的講壇用金色和紫色顏料涂染;在上面雕刻鴿子和石榴還有孔雀長著一百只眼;再用金銀葡萄把它妝扮樹葉和鷲尾草銀光閃閃;因為我的生日已經來臨,因為我的愛情已經來到。