
vainglorious adj.過于自負的,狂妄自大的;虛榮心很強的。


Street gangs , vainglorious bands and savvy entrepreneurs incite them into a frenzy of aggression . . . and they profit from the results 街頭幫會、假正經和狡詐的投機客煽動他們讓他們去進攻自己的敵人… …而他們則等著好處。

Her prophets are vainglorious ; they are men of treachery . her priests have defiled the sanctuary ; they have done violence to the law 4她的申言者是虛浮詭詐的人。她的祭司褻瀆圣所,強解律法。

He was silent for a minute , casting about for the least vainglorious way in which to express himself 他沉默了一會兒,想找到個最不虛榮的方式表達自己的意思。

She is a vainglorious woman . 她是個愛虛榮的女性。