
vain adj.1.徒然的,無益的,沒效果的;愚蠢的;不足道的。...


There the impotent, painted deities paraded on the walls in vain . 在那里,無用的、畫出來的神像仿佛在墻上徒然游行。

There the impotent painted deities paraded the walls in vain . 在那里,無用的、畫出來的神像仿佛在墻上徒然游行。

It is in vain for a boy to attempt to hide himself from that young man . 哪個小孩兒也休想躲得過那個小伙子。

Jones was not so vain and senseless a coxcomb as to expect . 瓊斯并不是那么一個不自量,沒頭沒腦的浪蕩哥兒。

The resources previously committed might have been committed in vain . 先前所投入的人力物力可能會付諸東流。

Vain men delight in telling what honours have been done them . 愛虛榮的人津津樂道于講述他們取得何種榮譽。

He wasted his time in the vain pleasures of smoking and drinking . 他在吸煙喝酒這種空虛的快樂中虛度年華。

All efforts of mediation by the third side were in vain at all . 第三方所作的從中調解的一切努力均告失敗。

All was vain . 一切都是枉費心機。

She yearned in vain to make herself known to her father . 她絞盡了腦汁想不出辦法能使她的父親認出她來。

But she was, in reality, self-willed, vain and obstinate . 但在骨子里,她卻是剛愎、執拗而且愛虛榮的。

He is every bit as vain and conceited as we figured . 他完全象我們大家估計的那樣愛虛榮,那樣狂妄。

He 's a vain person . 他的虛榮心很強。

The hope proved vain . 這個希望落了空。

We protested in vain . 我們白白抗議了。

I see that i am speaking in vain to a hardened heart . 我明白了:對你這一副鐵石心腸再講也是白費。

Day after day she waited in vain for him to telephone her . 日復一日,她徒勞地等待他打電話給她。

All writers are vain . 大凡作家都企慕名譽。

He leaned on me and attempted to walk, but it was in vain . 他斜靠著我試圖走動,但沒有成功。