
vague adj.1.含糊的,籠統的,曖昧的;不說明的。2.無表情...


If you wanted me to go why did not you say so in plain english instead of making vague hints ? 你想叫我走,為什么拐彎抹角而不用平直的英語?

The vague contour of jay gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man . 杰伊蓋次比的模糊輪廓已經逐漸充實成為一個血肉豐滿的人了。

These ideas, vague till then, took possession of their excited imaginations . 這些在那之前一直模糊的念頭現在卻激發起他們的各種想象。

Its thrust was vague enough to imply no precise consequences . 其猛烈攻擊的東西是非常含糊其詞的,不會意味著有什么具體的后果。

The pictures on the wall, all of them very brown, looked vague and incoherent . 墻上所有的畫都灰溜溜的,顯得模糊而支離破碎。

At best, they indicate some vague objectives managers have when they work . 它們至多聲明管理者工作時所懷的一些不明確的目標。

London seemed too large and vague a target for decisive results . 倫敦這個目標似乎太大,漫無邊際,因此很難收到決定性的效果。

It troubled him, arousing vague feelings of attraction and chivalry . 這使他很不好受,心里隱隱引起一陣傾慕和騎士的熱腸。

It was an unassuming shop, registered under the vague name of drapery . 這是一家不顯眼的商店,招牌上籠統地稱作服裝店。

Yet his wife trembled and a vague but heavy fear was upon her . 而他的妻子還是發抖,有一種模糊而沉重的恐懼壓在她身上。

The origin of most of our domestic animals will probably forever remain vague . 大部分家畜的來源,也許會永遠曖昧不明。

Certain vague desires that had been invading her body were swept away . 某些逐漸侵入她體內的莫名的欲望被一掃而空了。

It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard . 那只不過是一個惱羞成怒的詐騙犯所編造的含糊其辭的指控。

Now that you remind me of this matter , i have a vague impression of it . 這事經你一提醒,我腦子里才有點兒影子。

The horses came to a standstill, the vague clamor of the work lapsed away . 馬兒站住了,工作時嘈雜聲響靜下來了。

Mrs. montgomery's illuminated gaze grew vague and began to wonder . 蒙哥馬利太太熠熠有光的眼神因詫異變得黯然了。

At the meeting, both dilworth and riccardo were still pretty vague . 會面時,迪爾沃思和里卡多仍然是拐彎抹角的。

As to that, as he now discovered, they were a little vague . 對于這一點,照他現在的發現,他們有點兒含糊。

I lay experiencing the vague processes of my body . 我躺著,感受到自己的身體正處在一種模糊的變化過程中。