
vagabond n.流浪者,漂泊無定的人;〔口語〕流氓,無賴,浪蕩子。a...

“ there certainly is no reason in looking with interest at a parcel of vagabonds , “ returned bounderby “對一群走江湖的人發生興趣,而去看他們,自然是無理性之可言, ”龐得貝回答說。

“ suppose we answer that young vagabond at once , “ he said “我們立即給這個孩子寫封回信好嗎? ”


Amony his films , he starred as a lot of personalities from city slicker to count , vagabond , banker , murderer and adventruer - these roles are branded on the menory of his audience . poor people who were abandoned by society looked onward and sought bravely for happiness and took care of the others he was full of humor in those films 他飾演過的人物中,從都市中的老油條到伯爵先生,從市井小人到銀行家,從殺人兇手到冒險家,深深的烙印在觀眾的記憶中,影片中的他,有時貧窮但勇敢地追求幸福,有時富有卻百無聊賴,處于社會的最代層卻執著地向往光明和愛情,被社會所拋棄時時刻開愛著他人,他所演飾的人物,親切而真實,在輕松,幽默中展示出人生的光輝。

The caretaker was so struck with their innocent appearance , and with the elegance of tess s gown hanging across a chair , her silk stockings beside it , the pretty parasol , and the other habits in which she bad arrived because she had none else , that her first indignation at the effrontery of tramps and vagabonds gave way to a momentary sentimentality over this genteel elopement , as it seemed 照看房子的老太太看見他們睡在那兒,樣子是那樣純真她看見苔絲掛在椅子上的長袍,看見長袍旁邊的絲織長襪和漂亮的小陽傘,還有苔絲沒有別的可穿而穿來的其它幾件衣服,被它們的華美高雅深深打動了她最初以為他們是妓女流氓,心里十分生氣,現在看來他們好像是上流社會一對私奔的情侶,于是心中的憤怒便化作了一陣憐愛。

With which attendant indignities ? the unsympathetic indifference of previously amiable females , the contempt of muscular males , the acceptance of fragments of bread , the simulated ignorance of casual acquaintances , the latration of illegitimate unlicensed vagabond dogs , the infantile discharge of decomposed vegetable missiles , worth little or nothing or less than nothing 原先和藹可親的女人們,如今既不同情又冷淡壯健的男人抱以輕蔑態度接受面包碎屑,偶然結識的熟人們佯裝素昧平生來歷不明沒有掛牌子的野狗狂叫著頑童們把價值很小或毫無價值,毫無價值或根本談不到價值的爛白菜當作飛彈來進攻。

Hindley calls him a vagabond , and won t let him sit with us , nor eat with us any more ; and , he says , he and i must not play together , and threatens to turn him out of the house if we break his orders 辛德雷罵他是流氓,再也不許他跟我們一起坐,一起吃啦。而且他說,不許他和我在一起玩,又嚇唬說要是我們違背命令,就把他攆出去。

Floating people have distinct non - inhabitation characters , expressed by marginal residential space , floating shelters , vagabond dwelling value and unhealthy dwelling environment 研究表明流動人口在大城市具有明顯的非居民化的居住特征,表現在居住場所集中于城市邊緣,居住地更換頻繁,居住質量差和居民身份認同感缺乏。

And amid this swooning murmur , these perishing sighs of sound , the orchestra struck up the small , lively notes of a waltz with a vagabond rhythm bubbling with roguish laughter 在竊竊的低語聲沉寂下來,嘆息聲正在消逝時,樂隊以歡快的小音符倏地奏起了一段華爾茲樂曲,曲子的節奏粗俗,里面還夾雜著猥褻的笑聲。

It was not , after all , taught in college computer science courses like if - therefore , sometimes unless is seen as at best a vagabond , at worst a meddler 畢竟,大學的計算機科學課程沒有象教if ( )那樣教unless ( )因此,有時人們把unless ( )看成是流浪漢(在最好的情況下) ,有時看成是管閑事的人(在最壞的情況下) 。

Very early , after aunt which sweeps the floor is pushed awakes . 13year - old i started the long vagabond ' s life . this section drifts thelife india deepest is also farthest in mine mind 一大早,被掃地的阿姨推醒過來后。 13歲的我就開始了漫長的流浪生活。這段漂泊的生活在我的腦海里印得最深也最遠。

Often , before his captivity , dant s , mind had revolted at the idea of assemblages of prisoners , made up of thieves , vagabonds , and murderers 在他入獄以前,每當想到這樣一些犯人聚集在一起,他們中有賊,有流浪漢,有殺人犯,心中便不禁要作嘔。

I have seen a gipsy vagabond ; she has practised in hackneyed fashion the science of palmistry and told me what such people usually tell 我見過一個吉卜賽流浪者,她用陳腐的方法操弄著手相術,告訴我她們那些人往往會怎樣給人算命。

When the man ' s smile lured me to join him , we began to communicate in the kind of sign language and laughter one learns while vagabonding around the world 有人建議我們徑直穿過擁擠的車流,不要左顧右盼,以免他們撞到我們。

He was bloody safe he wasn t run in himself under the act that time as a rogue and vagabond only he had a friend in court 那回根據法令,他差點兒就作為無賴或流浪漢被關進去,虧了他在法院有個朋友,這才得以幸免。

It so happened that master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers 原來師父看見路旁有一位流浪漢蹲著,衣服破爛,師父要送他食物和褲子。

In my vagabond years most derelicts seemed to be white . today the streets are dominated by black homeless 翻譯:在我流浪那些年,大多數被遺棄的男人好像都是白人。今天這些街道卻被無家可歸的黑人占據著。

The editor of vagabond magazine , a good literary mag . from some years back , earns his living as a window washer on the west coast 《流浪者》 ,一本好的文學雜志的編輯幾年前在西岸靠洗窗子過活。

Depth : again ? this is the 17th one . what are you guys going to deal with these men ? they are only vagabonds “又來了嗎?這已經是第十七個了。你們要這些人來干什么?不過是一些流浪漢。 ”

“ there certainly is no reason in looking with interest at a parcel of vagabonds , “ returned bounderby “對一群走江湖的人發生興趣,而去看他們,自然是無理性之可言, ”龐得貝回答說。