
vade n.〔拉丁語〕手冊,便覽;隨身物件。


Historic , expel that pain medic , infant s compendium of the universe cosmic , let s all chortle hilaric , canvasser s vade mecum journalic , love - letters of mother assistant erotic , who s who in space astric , songs that reached our heart melodic , pennywise s way to wealth parsimonic 史學止痛法醫學供幼兒閱讀的宇宙概略宇宙學福臨笑家門樂天生活法廣告兜攬員便覽報業學助產婦情書情欲學宇宙空間人名錄星辰學動人心弦的歌曲旋律學省小錢發財法吝嗇學。

In moist season , millipede would in vade your home from downcomer and green belt around home . swarm millipedes would let you feel thrillingness 在潮濕的季節,千足蟲會從下水道和綠化地帶向您的工作、生活空間侵入,成群成片的數量會使您感到毛骨悚然。