
utopianism n.烏托邦思想(理論);不切實際的社會改革方案。


Though we do not question the influence of environment on human persons , or the duty of improving to the utmost possible limit the ordering of social and economic conditions , we must hold that all forms of “ utopianism “ are unrealistic and dangerously misleading 有關環境對人的影響,或者大家應負責任、盡最大可能改善社會的和經濟的狀況,雖然我們不會質疑,但是所有各種形式的“烏托邦主義”都是不切實際而且危險地誤導的。

But biological explanations of human behaviour are making a comeback as the generation of academics that feared them as a covert way of justifying eugenics , or of thwarting marxist utopianism , is retiring 但是用生物學來解釋人類行為的思潮正卷土重來,而那一代害怕這樣做會暗中給優生學辯護或者阻撓馬克思主義空想的學者已經退休了。

In fact , this “ middle - class “ government is not only a subjective product characteristic of apriority and utopianism , but also has extreme strong class - consciousness 實際上,亞氏的“中產階級”政體不僅是主觀性產物,帶有先驗性和空想性,而且還具有極強的階級性。