
utmost adj.1.極度的,極端的。2. 最遠的,盡頭處的。 短...


She endeavored to conceal a throbbing melancholy heart with the utmost sprightliness in her countenance . 為了掩飾她那顆惆悵郁悶的心,她在神態間故意裝作十分輕松活潑。

You play to win , and the game has little meaning unless you do you utmost to win . 你參加比賽就是要取勝,如果你不全力以赴去贏得勝利,那比賽就沒有什么意義了。

He had left the girl whose youth and innocence he had seduced in a situation of the utmost distress . 他誘騙了那個年青、天真的姑娘,把她拋在完全無望的境地。

“why, are you not?“ returned his questioner, fretted into a state of the utmost irritation . “怎么,難道你不是嗎?”問話的人答道,陷入極端的憤怒的情緒中。

I spoke so much as put him into the utmost confusion, and in the end brought out the whole story . 我卻說了許多話,弄得他莫名其妙,最后終于說出了全部事實。

During all these conversations the utmost frankness and usually a spirit of cordiality prevailed . 所有這些會議都籠罩著極其坦率而且通常是熱誠親切的氣氛。

He was even more cautious than ever , and did his utmost to win the trust and favour of the superior . 他更加謹小慎微,兢兢業業,以盡力取信討好其上司。

I lived near a year upon the money, spending very sparingly, and eking things out to the utmost . 我就靠著這點錢,克勤克儉,七拼八湊地又過了幾乎一年。

They were in effect for us a breathing space of which we had the utmost need . 實際上卻使我們獲得了一個喘息的機會,我們那時正是迫切需要這樣一個機會。

At this repast, mr. chuckster exerted his utmost abilities to enchant his entertainers . 在吃點心的時候,查爾斯先生竭力賣弄他的本領,媚悅他的東道主。

Her young life had been sombre, but she had known nothing of the utmost human needs . 她們年輕的生活是黯淡的,但是她從來不知道什么是人類極端的需要。

He died in 1745 and was buried, as he had directed, with the utmost privacy and simplicity . 他于1745年去世,遵照他的遺囑,葬禮極其秘密,極其簡單。

Her young life had been sombre, but she had known nothing of the utmost human needs . 她的青年生活是黯淡的,但是她從來不知道什么是人類極端的需要。

I lived near a year upon that, spending very sparingly, and eking things out to the utmost . 我就靠著這點錢,克勤克儉,七拼八湊地又過了幾乎一年。

The disposition of hell will be such as to be adapted to the utmost unhappiness of the damned . 地獄的情狀被人這樣認為:被罰入地獄是最大的不幸。

This prodigious feat of the preceding generation incited their sons to the utmost daring . 先輩的這種莫大的武功,激勵著子孫們去作最大膽的嘗試。

He is never overbearing, though accustomed to command men in the utmost degree below him . 盡管他指揮過級別最低的下等兵打仗,他卻從不盛氣凌人。

The utmost reach of her imagination did not go beyond picturing her usual life in a new setting . 她的想象力最遠也超不過一個新環境中的舊生活。

“then she had better come to us,“ said lady bertram with the utmost composure . “那么,最好讓她到我們這里來吧。”貝特倫夫人極其安詳地說。