
useful adj.1.有用的,有益的,有效的,有幫助的。2.〔俚語...

useful area

Two alternative systems are useful to avoid this stalemate . 此時采用下列兩種系統之一便可加以解決。

The march would consume half of the useful life of the vehicle . 此次長途跋涉將過于損耗車輛的壽命。

It will be useful to summarize the relevant gaussian formulae . 有必要概括地講一下有關的高斯公式。

Methods were tried in case a useful tool should emerge . 試驗了各種方法,以便確定哪一種是有效的。

It is useful in discussing the nature of sedimentary deposits . 它在討論沉積物的性質時是有用的。

The latter studies are extremely useful to the analyst . 后者的這些研究對于分析工作者極為有用。

The canal has proved useful to the county in many ways . 這條水渠給這個縣帶來的好處是多方面的。

He is a useful bat . 他是個優秀的擊球員。

The streaked plate is in general the most useful plating method . 劃線平板法是最有用的平板法。

I'm trying to be useful . 我想盡我的力量。

It is useful to classify all these particles into two groups . 把所有粒子分成兩大類是適當的。

Combinatorial theory is exceptionally useful in the real world . 組合論在現實世界中格外有用。

We derive now a useful variant of that inequality . 我們現在推導這個不等式的另一種有用形式。

A thermos jug was useful for carrying off spare liquids . 一個熱水壺可以用來裝多出來的流質。

It is useful to partition a graph into its components . 把一個圖分解成它的分支,是很有益的。

It will be rather useful for us to have in our minds later on . 我們記在心里,對以后有用。

This dictionary is very useful , only it is a bit costly . 這本詞典很有用,只不過貴了些。

He is a most useful implement to us everywhere . 我們到任何地方都少不了他這么個有用之人。

A very useful quantity is the half-time for the reaction . 一個很有用的量是反應的半衰期。