urticaria n.【醫學】蕁麻疹,風疹。adj.-al
n. 【醫學】蕁麻疹,風疹。 adj. -al “acute urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 急性蕁麻疹“allergic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 變應性蕁麻疹, 過敏性蕁麻疹; 過敏性蕁麻疹“aquagenic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 水源性蕁麻疹“bullous urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 大皰性蕁麻疹“cholinergic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 膽堿能性蕁麻疹“chronic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 慢性蕁麻疹“cold urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 寒冷性蕁麻疹; 寒冷蕁麻疹; 冷激性蕁麻疹“contact urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 接觸性蕁麻疹“dermatographic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 皮膚劃紋癥性蕁麻疹; 皮膚劃紋癥蕁麻疹“endemic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 地方性蕁麻疹“erysipelas urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 丹毒蕁麻疹“factitia urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 人為性蕁麻疹, 劃皮現象“factitial urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 人工性蕁麻疹“factitious urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 假蕁麻疹; 人工蕁麻疹“familial urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 第三節家族性蕁麻疹“febrilis urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 熱病性蕁麻疹“giant urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 巨大蕁麻疹, 血管神經性水腫“ginat urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 巨大蕁麻疹“heat urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 熱性蕁麻疹“hives urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 皮膚疹; 蕈麻疹“hives(urticaria)“ 中文翻譯: 風疹“immunologic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 免疫性蕁麻疹“leukocytoclastic urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 白細胞破碎性蕁麻疹“papular urticaria“ 中文翻譯: 丘疹性蕁麻疹“urticaria acuta“ 中文翻譯: 急性蕁麻疹“urticara pigmentosa“ 中文翻譯: 色素性蕁麻疹
urticate |
Skin nick disease namely artificial urticaria , can happen at any ages , children is not exceptional also , often first skin sao itchs or glowing , catch via scratching after delimit gently or chafing , appear linear wind is round 皮膚劃痕癥即人工蕁麻疹,可發生于任何年齡,兒童也不例外,往往先有皮膚瘙癢或灼熱,經搔抓輕劃或摩擦后,出現線狀風團。 |
Eczema , urticaria and atopic dermatitis are clinic common irritability dermatosis but not easy to treat , which all possess symptom with skin flush , tumefaction , macula , canker , desquamation , and itchy 摘要濕疹、 ?麻疹與異位性皮膚炎是臨床常見又不容易治療的過敏性皮膚病,三者都具有皮膚發紅、腫脹、斑疹、潰爛、脫屑、瘙?等癥狀。 |
New york ( reuters health ) may 21 - rupatadine is significantly better than placebo for the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria , spanish researchers report in the may issue of allergy 紐約路透社健康欄目5月21日報道,研究者發布在過敏癥5月刊上的研究表明,盧帕他定治療慢性特發性蕁麻疹顯著優于安慰劑。 |
In most cases of chronic urticaria , an underlying trigger is not found . hodgkin ' s disease may be accompanied by urticaria . cold urticaria with cryoglobulinemia is seen in multiple myeloma 在大多數慢性蕁麻疹患者,找不到觸發原因。霍杰金氏病可伴有蕁麻疹;冷球蛋白血癥引起的蕁麻疹見于多發性骨髓瘤。 |
This response ranges from mild cutaneous reactions , such as pruritus and urticaria , to life threatening cardiovascular collapse 反應包括較輕的皮膚反應如瘙癢和蕁麻疹,嚴重者則危及生命,如心血管性虛脫。 |
A clinical comparative study on the efficacy and safety of mizolastine and levocetirizine in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria 咪唑斯汀和左西替利嗪治療慢性特發性蕁麻疹的臨床對照觀察 |
A careful analysis of the patient ' s history shows that urticaria is a sort of clinical clue to viral hepatitis 詳細分析患者的病史后,就看得出蕁麻疹是病毒性肝炎的一種臨床線索。 |
Treatment of intractable urticaria by tcm combined with western medicine : a clinical observation of 52 cases 中西醫結合治療慢性頑固性蕁麻疹52例療效觀察 |
Clinical observation on the treatment of 54 cases of chronic urticaria with danlong zhiyang ' s capsule 丹龍止癢膠囊治療血虛風燥型慢性蕁麻疹54例臨床觀察 |
Clinical observation on yupingfeng guominjian decoction in treating 40 cases of chronic urticaria 玉屏風過敏煎治療慢性蕁麻疹40例療效觀察 |
Clinical observation on results of yupingfeng powder prescription for treatment of urticaria 玉屏風散加味方治療慢性蕁麻疹的臨床觀察 |
Observation on short - term therapeutic effect of bo ' s abdominal acupuncture on chronic urticaria 薄氏腹針治療慢性蕁麻疹近期療效觀察 |
Peginterferon alfa - 2a resulted in urticaria in treating chronic hepatitis b in a patient 干擾素治療54例小兒慢性丙型肝炎報道 |
The observation of start effect time and effect on acute urticaria of mizolastine 皿治林治療急性蕁麻疹起效時間及安全性評價 |
Clinical observation of 56 cases with chronic urticaria treated with acupuncturing on quchi 針刺曲池穴治療慢性蕁麻疹56例 |
Investigation on therapeutic effect of jingfansiwutang in 178 patients with urticaria 荊防四物湯治療蕁麻疹178例總結 |
Study on urticaria by acupuncture and cupping combined with topical chinese medicine 拔罐配合中藥外用治療蕁麻疹53例 |
Patients with urticaria treated with acu - moxibustion and cupping 氖激光治療椎動脈型頸椎病75例療效觀察 |
Clinical observation on dangguiyinzi in treating chronic urticaria 當歸飲子治療慢性蕁麻疹的臨床觀察 |