
urban adj.1.城市的,在城市里的,住在城市中的,城市居民的...

urban critic

In a full communist society differences between manual and intellectual labour and between urban and rural life will disappear . 在全面的共產主義社會中,體力勞動和腦力勞動、城市和農村之間的差別將消失。

Consumer food price policies are also changing in africa, where urban consumption has been heavily subsidized for many decades . 非洲的糧食消費價格也在變化,那里的城市消費幾十年來一直得到巨額補貼。

In addition, betterment levies are equitable. using them is much like using urban property taxed to finance urban improvement . 除此之外,改良稅公正無偏-使用它與使用城市財產稅以資助城市改造很相似。

In less developed countries the paramount problem is providing sufficient employment for the rapidly expanding urban populations . 不發達國家的首要問題是為迅速發展的城市人口提供足夠的就業機會。

Catholic bishops and priests were shepherds of most of the “new“ immigrants and a large portion of the submerged urban masses . 天主教的主教和教士,是大多數新移民和大部分城市淪落群眾的指導人。

The lop's base of electoral power is not japan's great urban industrial-commercial centers but its small towns and farms . 自民黨選舉實力的基礎不在日本大城市的工商業中心,而在小城市和農村。

The observations which follow are intended to define a point of view and to indicate a program for the study of urban life . 下面這些意見,旨在說清一種觀點,并對研究城市生活提出一個綱要。

There has been much public discussion in recent years about the united states running out of farmland because of urban encroachment . 近年來常常有關于城市擴展而使美國農田減少的公眾討論。

A useful model explaining this particular pattern of urban activity can be developed from ceiling-rent curves . 說明城市活動這一特定模式的一種有效的模型可以從最高限度租金曲線顯示出來。

To master the new complications of urban living demanded something more than the easygoing ways of colonial towns . 掌握城市生活中的新復雜情形,靠殖民時代城市的那種懶散的作風是不夠的。

The aim should be to correct the bias against agriculture and exports, which often favors urban wage earners . 其目的是糾正忽視農業和出口的偏向,這種偏向往往有利于掙工資的城市職工。

For all its power and commanding influence, the social gospel movement was a development in urban protestantism . 從社會福音運動的全部力量和權威性影響來看,它是城市新教的一種發展。

They would probably rather pursue the formal school certificate and take their chances in the urban job lottery . 他們或許寧愿去追求正規學校教育的文憑,然后到城里去碰碰就業的運氣。

All through the developing world the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already . 在整個發展中的世界里,退出農村而向城市遷徙的先鋒已經到達了城市的邊緣。

The greater the similarity of economic structure, the greater the interdependence of the urban and national economies . 經濟結構愈相似,城市經濟與國家經濟的互相依賴程度越高。

It is also only comparatively recently that economics has begun to play an important role in the urban planning procedure . 經濟學在城市規劃程序中起重要作用也只是相當近的事。

One of the major consequences of the rapid urbanization process has been the burgeoning supply of urban job seekers . 迅速的城市化過程的主要后果之一,是城市求職者人數的增加。

They pointed out that previous estimates of the urban factor on health were attributed entirely to air pollution . 他們指出以前的城市因素對健康影響的估計完全歸因于空氣污染。

There has been a steady population shift from rural to urban areas, causing large urban slums and unemployment . 農村人口一直在不斷地流入城市,造成失業和大規模的貧民區。