
ural n.烏拉爾〔俄羅斯一地區〕。


Monthly rainfall data from 1951 to 1995 for june , july and august in 13 meteorological stations of the north china were used for accounting z index and discussing serious flood and drought featureas in these months . serious flood mainly happened in july and august , and sevious drought mainly happened in august . there were more flood in 1950 ' s to 1960 ' s and more drought since 1970 ' s in the north china . meanwhile , the deeper trough which covered the regions from the ural mts . to the balkhash lake play an important role in serious rainstom in rainy season in the north china . there often happened serious flood ( drought ) when the northwester pacific subtropical high was by west and north ( east and south ) , and the sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern pacific was mainly in dropping ( raising ) stage 利用華北平原地區的13個站點, 45年( 1951 1995 )的降水資料,對夏季4個時段( 6月、 7月、 8月、 6 8月)進行了z指數計算,確定了該地區各個時段的嚴重澇年和嚴重旱年.發現華北地區雨季的嚴重洪澇主要集中在7 , 8月,嚴重干旱則主要發生在8月,并可明顯看出由50 60年代的多水期向70年代中期以后的少水期的轉變,另外,烏拉爾山到巴爾喀什湖附近的低壓槽加深和西北太平洋副熱帶高壓的北抬,對華北地區雨季持續性暴雨的產生起著決定性的作用.嚴重洪澇年的夏季( 6 8月) ,西北太平洋副熱帶高壓偏西、偏北,赤道東太平洋海溫多處于下降階段;嚴重干旱年西北太平洋副高偏東、偏南,赤道東太平洋海溫則處于上升階段

( 2 ) sxsp anomaly is closely related to the abnormity of 500hpa geopotential height field over the east of ural and yakutsk area , western ridge point and area of subtropical high , the cold air abnormity from north of china and the position of upper level westerly jet over east asia ( 2 )三峽庫區夏季降水異常與大氣環流異常密切相關:與500hpa烏拉爾山以東高度場異常、雅庫茨克以東高度場異常、副熱帶高壓面積及西伸脊點、北方冷空氣異常、 200hpa東亞高空西風急流位置異常偏南(偏北)密切相關。

The analysis on the spatial distribution feature of rainfall trend for global land seasonal and monthly rainfall points out that the mainly regions of increasing precipitation are north of canada , east of greenland , southeast of south america , mid - west of australia , from newland to north of siberian in northern ural and west of europe 分析了全球陸地3 - 5月及逐月降水量的空間分布特征。指出全球陸地3 - 5月降水正趨勢明顯的區域有,加拿大北部、格陵蘭島東部、南美東南部、澳大利亞中西部、烏拉爾山以北新地島至北西伯利亞和西歐。

This paper use the ncep / ncar day - to - day reanalysis data of 500hpa high field and so on , choose ural mountain , baikal , okhotsk as the key district , the mid - high latitude of eurasia circulation courses that have long duration ( scale of time is middle , namely during 10 - 30 day ) , maybe continue continuously after being intermittence of 1 - 2 days in middle , appear repeatedly is for research object , define an index “ i “ of the circulation pattern over mid - high latitude of eurasia . a method is proposed to identify the summer typical persistent circulation pattern at 500hpa levels over eurasia mid - high latitude . the climate characteristics of those typical persistent circulation patterns are studied 本文利用ncep / ncar再分析逐日500hpa高度場等資料,選擇烏拉爾山、貝加爾湖、鄂霍次克海這三個地方作為關鍵區,以夏季歐亞中高緯度持續時間長(時間尺度屬于中間時間尺度,即10 ? 30天之間) 、中間可能會間歇1 、 2天然后又繼續持續、反復出現的環流過程為研究對象,定義了一個夏季歐亞中高緯流型指數,在此基礎上提出了一種對夏季歐亞中高緯500hpa典型持續流型的界定方法,研究了典型持續流型的氣候特征,分析了流型指數的年代際變化,以及對應不同階段、不同流型的降水場、加熱場、海溫場等的主要特征。

Abstract : traditional english teaching stresses the importance of grammar . with the d evelopment of language teaching , cultural influences are paid more attention . cult ural differences affect all links in english language teaching , and cultural phe nomena penetrate the understanding of word meaning and the analysis of grammatic al and syntactical structures as well as mutual translation of english and chine se 文摘:當代英語教學的發展已經超越了原始的單純語法教學,越來越多的文化內容滲透其中,詞匯意義、語法理解、英漢互譯都離不開文化現象,因此,英美與中國的文化背景差異對英語教學的各個環節都有很大影響。

The most severely damaged will be the canadian low arctic tundra ; the wooded ural mountain taiga in russia ; the central andean dry puna in chile , argentina and bolivia ; the daurian steppe of mongolia ; the savannah of north - east india and nepal ; and the fynbos of southern africa 受害最嚴重的將是加拿大的下北極苔原,俄羅斯樹木繁茂的烏拉爾山針葉林,智利、阿根廷和玻利維亞安第斯山脈中部的干冷高原,蒙古的干草原,印度和尼泊爾兩國東北部的熱帶稀樹草原,非洲南部的高山硬葉灌木群落。

Firstly , subtropical high center lay to the north than usual , and forms a blocking high in combination with land high in eastern asia . secondly , on account of the strong southwest current which occurred at the west side of the subtropical high and dynamic effect of the typhoon itself , the landing northward tropical cyclone ( 9711 ) landed in liaoning again . thirdly , a trough with some weak air from ural mountain and the northeast cold air entering into the tropical cyclone showed that the systems in different latitudes had some effects each other 模擬結果表明:此次熱帶風暴造成遼寧全省大暴雨的天氣背景是:副熱帶高壓偏北并與大陸高壓疊加,構成了穩定的東亞阻塞形勢; 9711臺風減弱的熱帶風暴,在其自身內力和副高西側的強盛偏南氣流引導下,持續北上并在遼寧營口至盤錦之間登陸;從烏拉爾山冷堆分裂南下出的弱冷空氣不斷南下,與熱帶風暴在遼寧產生了相互作用,增強了上升運動,致使大暴雨出現。

All the turn - point year is around 1974 . another feature of interdecadal variability of interannual relationship between winter sea - ice extent of davis strait and summer , july and august rainfall of 160 stations is that the interannual correlation pattern have changed from east - west pattern to “ + - + “ north - south pattern around 1974 . the interdecadal characteristics of correlation distribution pattern of interannual relationship between winter sea - ice extent of davis strait and summer , july 500hpa height of northern hemisphere are : “ - + - “ pattern from the beginning of novoya zemlya island , by way of balkhash lake to japan sea which is strongly negatively correlated with the rainfall of north china at the same period before 1974 and “ + - “ pattern from the beginning of ural mountains , by way of bujr lake to hetao basin which is badly correlated with the rainfall of north china at the same period after 1974 冬季戴維斯海峽海冰面積與華北夏季及7 、 8月降水年際關系有明顯的年代際變化特征:其與夏季總降水的年際關系由1974年前較好的負相關在1974年后變差,與7月降水的年際關系由1974年前較好的負相關在1974年后變弱,與8月降水的年際關系由1974年前較好的負相關在1974年后變差;另一方面,其與中國160站夏季及7 、 8月降水的年際關系在1974年前后發生變化的主要特征是:與夏季總降水、 7月、 8月降水的年際關系由1974年前的相關系數分布呈“東西型”變為1974年后相關系數分布呈“ - + - ”的“南北型” 。

Abstract : profit estimation for the mechanization in agricultural indust ry is useful to understand the development level , potential , trend of agricult ural mec hanization for government decision making and it is also an answer to how to est imate the single factor ' s influence on a complicated economic system 文摘:測算農業機械化對農業生產的貢獻份額,實踐上有助于從總體上把握農業機械化的發展水平、發展潛力和趨勢,對農業機械化事業的決策具有重要的參考價值;理論上研究產業系統單因素的貢獻率具有學術意義。

Abstract : monthly rainfall data from 1951 to 1995 for june , july and august in 13 meteorological stations of the north china were used for accounting z index and discussing serious flood and drought featureas in these months . serious flood mainly happened in july and august , and sevious drought mainly happened in august . there were more flood in 1950 ' s to 1960 ' s and more drought since 1970 ' s in the north china . meanwhile , the deeper trough which covered the regions from the ural mts . to the balkhash lake play an important role in serious rainstom in rainy season in the north china . there often happened serious flood ( drought ) when the northwester pacific subtropical high was by west and north ( east and south ) , and the sea surface temperature in the equatorial central and eastern pacific was mainly in dropping ( raising ) stage 文摘:利用華北平原地區的13個站點, 45年( 1951 1995 )的降水資料,對夏季4個時段( 6月、 7月、 8月、 6 8月)進行了z指數計算,確定了該地區各個時段的嚴重澇年和嚴重旱年.發現華北地區雨季的嚴重洪澇主要集中在7 , 8月,嚴重干旱則主要發生在8月,并可明顯看出由50 60年代的多水期向70年代中期以后的少水期的轉變,另外,烏拉爾山到巴爾喀什湖附近的低壓槽加深和西北太平洋副熱帶高壓的北抬,對華北地區雨季持續性暴雨的產生起著決定性的作用.嚴重洪澇年的夏季( 6 8月) ,西北太平洋副熱帶高壓偏西、偏北,赤道東太平洋海溫多處于下降階段;嚴重干旱年西北太平洋副高偏東、偏南,赤道東太平洋海溫則處于上升階段

The interdecadal characteristics of correlation pattern of interannual relationship between winter sea - ice extent of davis strait and august 500hpa height of northern hemisphere is “ + - + “ pattern from ural mountains to north of sea of okhotsk which is strongly negatively correlated with the august rainfall of north china before 1974 , and it has not apparent correlation pattern in europe - asia continent after 1974 1974年前,冬季戴維斯海峽海冰面積和北半球8月500hpa位勢高度場的相關系數呈一個自烏拉爾山開始到鄂霍次克海以北分布的“ + - + ”型,該型和8月華北降水的反相關較好; 1974年后,相關在歐亞大陸地區變差,沒有明顯的相關型,冬季戴維斯海峽海冰面積和8月華北降水關系變差。

The quasi - geostrophic process was diagnosed for a case of severe cold air breakout under the blocking situation during 16 - 18 march of 1998 . the attention was focused on the relationship between the surface anticyclone and 500hpa blocking high . the results indicate that the cold outbreak is associated with the adjustment of blocking situation in the ural area , i . e . the collapsing and rebuilding of the ural mountain blocking high . the temperature advections in the lower troposphere shown that the polar cold air invading from the northwest caused the ural blocking high collapsed , and a new ridge developed rapidly was due to the warm advection on the southwestern side which led to the ural blocking high rebuilt . in addition , the distribution of the vertical motion on 700hpa shown that the surface high splitting was related to the considerable upward motion located on the southeastern part of surface high 對1998年3月中旬一次高空阻塞形勢下強冷空氣過程進行了診斷分析,著重討論強冷空氣爆發前后地面反氣旋活動與高空阻塞形勢調整的關系。研究結果表明,強冷空氣的爆發與烏拉爾地區阻塞形勢的調整阻塞高壓的崩潰和重建緊密相關。對流層下部的溫度平流分析表明,阻塞形勢的調整是由于阻塞高壓上游西北方有冷空氣侵入導致了阻塞高壓的崩潰,而上游來自西南方向的強暖流則導致高壓脊迅速發展,使阻塞高壓重新建立。

Abstract : there is a blind zone in the history writing of m odern chinese literature . that is the absence of feminity . this absence , caused by many factors , exists in two forms : the obvious one and the hidden one . it is a cult ural injustice which should be subverted 文摘:女性缺席現象構成了中國現代文學史編撰中的一個盲區,這種缺席呈現為顯形缺席與隱形缺席兩種形態,其產生具有多方面原因,是應該受到顛覆的文化的不公正。

During flood years , the center of negative anomaly is around ural mountains , the center of positive anomaly is around high - latitude of east asia and another negative and positive center are over okhotsk sea and the north - west pacific , respectively 通過對夏季旱澇等級指數的morlet型和mexicanhat型小波變換分析,發現山東夏季旱澇指數主要存在著2 5年和7年左右的周期振蕩。

Chen runsheng , lei detian and ma xiaoyu , the professors of northeast agricult ' ural university , had first put forward the concept of tenderness of meat , and had taken the lead in developing apparatus of the meat tenderness in our country 東北農業大學陳潤生教授從80年代初從事豬肉質研究并與雷得天、馬小愚教授首先提出了嫩度概念,率先在我國共同研制了肌肉嫩度儀。

Abstract : genetic algorithm has been used in optimal design of struct ural parameters of elbow bar - type extrusion press to improve smoothness of slid e speed and processing accuracy as well as service life of equipment and dies 文摘:采用遺傳算法對拉力肘桿式擠壓機結構參數進行了優化設計,以提高滑塊工作速度的平穩性、增加擠壓機的加工精度以及設備和模具的使用壽命。

Indeed , the individual aims of the leaders who gathered this month in central asia ? first for a summit in bishkek , and then to the ural mountains for the war games ? are much easier to discern than any common purposes 事實上,本月在中亞聚會的領導人的個人目標? ?首先是在比什凱克舉行峰會,繼而前往烏拉爾山觀摩軍事演習? ?相比任何共同目的要更易于為人明悉。

Unit no . 1 in huaneng beijing thermal power plant is a 145 mw extraction steam turbine manufactured by ural steam turbine factory in russia , and has adopted a governing system with co - existence of electric and hydraulic modes 摘要華能北京熱電公司1號機組為俄羅斯烏拉爾汽輪機制造廠生產的145mw抽汽式汽輪機,采用電液并存調節系統。

The library of luminary buddhist institute has compiled very detailed lists of bibliographies of many tripitaka ural books . bibliographies contains entries in different oriental and western languages 香光尼眾佛學院圖書館按藏經各部分別整理了研究書目,每一經部下均包括學位論文、會議論文、期刊論文等。