
upwards adv.1.在上面,向上頭。2.向水源[震源地]方面;向...


Now , we ' re going to continue to search this aircraft from the waist upwards 現在,我們會繼續在機艙內搜索

Insert drawer against stop and lock drawer by pulling lever upwards 插入抽屜( ? ? )并通過向上拉桿鎖定抽屜

Rounded upwards to four decimal places 小數點后個位。

Man struggles upwards ; water flows downwards 人往高出走

The trend of prices is still upwards 物價仍有上漲趨勢。

Upwards to 4 , 000 or 5 , 000 a year 一年有4000到5000頂以上

That ' s upwards of 60 people , mike 那就是60條人命啊,麥克

The prices of houses are trending upwards 房價趨于上漲。

They waited upwards of ten minutes 他們等候了有十分鐘, 。

Many economists have now revised their estimates upwards 很多經濟學家都修改了他們對中國經濟的預期。

Friendliness upwards rigorous cause it far 友愛向上嚴謹致遠

He opened his eyes and looked upwards 他睜開兩眼望望上方。

Upwards of 30 minutes but less than 2 hours 三十分鐘至兩小時

After a few seconds , the gondola ( ball ) is launched upwards 數秒后,吊艙(球體座椅)便向上彈射出去。

Inflation had been nudging upwards because of those oil prices 通漲正悄然上漲緣于原油價格的上漲。

He has been living in this house from his childhood upwards 他從童年起到現在一直住在這所房子里。

Elbow and fingers should be straight with palm facing upwards 手肘伸直,手心向上,手放身旁;

The roof slants upwards from left to right 屋頂從左向右朝上傾斜。

In convection , hot currents flow upwards 在對流中熱氣流向上運動