
upsize vi.,vt.擴大(…的)規模。 upsizing n.


I have therefore always concerned myself with how government manages these investments with an aim to increasing its value . i have previously expressed my concern about the tendency for various government departments to upsize rather than downsize in the face of economic slump . mr . tsang responded by saying at the press briefing after his budget speech , that he had already asked government departments where the “ user pay “ principle applies to freeze their charges 在預算案公布后的簡報會上,曾司長在答覆本人表示關注政府部門在經濟降溫的時刻,不但不作節約,反而有逐漸不斷膨脹的趨勢時,表示已要求那些需要持著用者自付原則的收費部門,凍結收費,這種手法無疑是對癥下藥了。