
upset vt.(upset; -setting)1.推翻,顛覆;...

upset price

A boat was upset . 一條船吹翻了。

In june something primitively english was thoroughly upset . 瓊心里的那種原始的英國氣息被徹底攪動了。

Hearn stared at him. the general was upset he realized . 侯恩盯著將軍細細一打量,發覺將軍心神不定。

You're too much upset . 你未免太狼狽啦。

He seemed very upset . 他似乎手忙腳亂了。

Temperature taking is intrusive and will upset the child . 測量體溫是對小兒煩擾,會使小兒不安。

My husband was very upset . 我丈夫很不愉快。

It is only natural that she should be upset by the insult . 她因受侮辱而生氣,那是很自然的。

She seemed quite upset when i said where she'd gone . 我告訴她到哪兒去了,她聽了似乎很不安。

If you all gravitate to one side , you 'll upset the boat . 如果大家都移向一邊,船就要翻了。

Do n't be upset by trifles . 不要為小事懊惱。

Do n't be upset by trifles . 不要為小事煩惱。

I don't want them upset . 我不愿他們失魂落魄。

Women upset everything . 女人把什么事都搞壞了。

I don't want to upset her on account of the milk . 我不想讓她不高興,要不,會影響奶水的。

Her cancellation of her trip to paris upset our plan . 她取消了巴黎之行打亂了我們的計劃。

This was not the time to upset the world balance of power . 現在不是打破世界均勢的時候。

This accident upset our plans and threw us into confusion . 這個意外事件攪亂了我的陣腳。

The sight of physical suffering always upsets me . 我看到身體受折磨的情形總是心驚肉跳。