
unwritten adj.1.沒有寫下的,沒有記錄的。2.口頭的,口傳的;...

unwritten constitution

Boris felt more than ever determined to follow in future the guidance not of the written code laid down in the regulations , but of this unwritten code 鮑里斯比任何時候都更堅決,他拿定主意:今后不必遵照操典中明文規定的等級服從制度,而應遵照這種不成文的等級服從制度服務。

This unwritten rule resulted in the sharp increase in the trafficking of chinese labourers during a time when slave - trafficking was also in full swing in the united states 這規定加強了當時和美國販賣黑奴同步增長的販賣中國“豬崽”編按:南洋稱之為賣豬仔的活動。

Boston ( ap ) - - the new york yankees are trying to break another one of baseball ' s unwritten rules , the one that says a double - digit deficit on memorial day is insurmountable 紐約洋基隊嘗試打破另外一條不成文的棒球定律,那就是說落后兩位數的勝差不是不可能追上的。

Boston - the new york yankees are trying to break another one of baseball ' s unwritten rules , the one that says a double - digit deficit on memorial day is insurmountable 紐約洋基隊嘗試打破另外一條不成文的棒球定律,那就是說落后兩位數的勝差不是不可能追上的。

Antigone represents “ family values “ but at the same time something “ deeper “ ( if not higher ) , connected with religion , the unwritten dateless laws 安提岡尼代表的家族價值,也更深層(如果不算更高)的接觸到宗教面,一種非成文的、不知何時頒布的法律。

“ the unwritten law “ is one of the most acclaimed works for andy lau . as a newcomer for the movie industry , he co - stared with one of the most experienc . . 當時剛巧發生一宗頗為轟動之兇殺案,而被告者乃一年已五十多之低級妓女,此時一般人都認為被告必

But some of it came from material that did not receive credit , including a nineteen forty - four book , “ the unwritten laws of engineering . 但是,其中的一些內容來自別的原著,包括1944年的書《工程的不成文規定》 ,這本小冊子并沒有收到好評。

But some of it came from material that did not receive credit , including a nineteen forty - four book , “ the unwritten laws of engineering . 但是,該書中的一些內容卻來自于未經授權的其他書籍,其中包括1944年出版的一本書籍“不成文的工程法.

But some of it came from material that did not receive credit , including a nineteen forty - four book , “ the unwritten laws of engineering . 但是書中所用的部分材料并未得到授權,一些材料來源于一本1944年出版的書《工程學不成文法則》 。

But some of it came from material that did not receive credit , including a nineteen forty - four book , “ the unwritten laws of engineering . 但是書中所用的素材并未得到授權,一些素材來源于一本1944年出版的書《工程學不成文法則》 。

If the given stream was open for writing and the last i / o operation was an output operation , any unwritten data in the output buffer is written to the file 如果是輸出,上一個操做是寫入,那么將會把未寫入的緩沖內容寫入文件。

If i were to choose between the power of writing a poem and the ecstasy of a poem unwritten , i would choose the ecstasy . it is better poetry 如果我可以在作詩的能力和詩篇未作的入迷之間選擇,我將選擇入迷。入迷是更好的詩歌。

Sparse files allow data to be written to random locations within a file without instantiating previously unwritten intervening file blocks 稀疏文件允許把數據寫到一個文件的任意位置,而不要將以前未寫的中間文件塊實例化。

But some of it came from material that did not receive credit , including a nineteen forty - four book , “ the unwritten laws of engineering . 但是該作品中有些內容屬未授權素材,其中包括1944年出版的《工程學不成文法》一書。

We are living in a society which is governed by laws , unwritten rules , customs and traditions ; there would be chaos without them 我們生活在一個由法律、不成文的規定、習俗和傳統主宰的社會里,沒有他們就會一片混亂。

But some of it came from material that did not receive credit , including a nineteen forty - four book , “ the unwritten laws of engineering . 但是,書中有些內容卻是引用其他作品。包括1944年出版的“不成文的法律工程.

Unwritten but rigorous rules , called “ sanyanjing “ or “ three - hole wells , “ are followed with regard to use of water 泉水環繞連接每家門庭,開門即河,迎面即柳,形成高原水鄉“戶戶泉水,家家垂柳”的特有風采。

He compared the tale , as yet unwritten , with the tales of the sea - writers , and he felt it to be immeasurably superior 他把這還沒有寫出的故事跟別的海洋作家的故事一比較,便覺得它比它們不知道要高明多少倍。

Yet there is an unwritten contract at its heart : that the winners shall use some of their wealth to compensate the losers 但是此間卻有一項不成文的約定,那就是贏家需要拿出他們部分的財富來補償那些失敗者。