
unwitting adj.不知不覺的,無意的,無心的。adv.-ly


Of course , continued the unwitting clare , i should have been glad to know you to be descended exclusively from the long - suffering , dumb , unrecorded rank and file of the english nation , and not from the self - seeking few who made themselves powerful at the expense of the rest “當然, ”蒙在鼓里的克萊爾繼續說, “我的確希望知道,你純粹是出生在一個長期受苦默默無聞和在英國檔案和世家中沒有記載的家庭,而不是出生在一個為了一己之私而犧牲多數人利益使自己得勢的少數家庭。

In a recent swindle , for instance , credit card thieves found unwitting money launderers through monster . com , then left their “ employees “ on the hook for thousands of dollars in debts and possible criminal liability when the fraud was discovered 比如,在最近一起詐騙案中,信用卡竊賊無意中發現了犯罪組織利用monster . com洗黑錢,真相曝光時已經有許多受金錢引誘的“雇員”負債累累,甚至可能涉嫌犯罪。

Meanwhile , whether the shareholders , unwitting buyers and the creditors have the insurable interest or not is still arguable . the third part cares for the principle of insurable interest applied in life insurance 第三部分針對人身保險可保利益的認定所引發的爭論,指出可保利益原則同樣可以適用于人身保險,只是人身保險中可保利益的認定與財產保險有所不同。

Documents reveal he used thousands of unwitting as well as voluntary subjects to test paralytic drugs , hallucinogens including lsd and electro - convulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times normal power 檔案揭露了他曾用了數千不知情者,包括志愿對象,用以測試癱瘓病人藥物,迷幻劑包括lsd和電休克療法,這比正常的比率高出30到40倍。

Within seconds , the costumed robbers place the bank under a surgically planned siege , and the 50 patrons and staff become unwitting pawns in an airtight heist 不到一分鐘,這幫喬裝打扮的劫匪便依照精密策劃將這家銀行置于圍困之中, 50名顧客和員工在毫不知情的情況下成為了這場天衣無縫的劫案中的利用工具。

Worries about the flow of genes from the original plant to others also surround gm crops . unwitting insects or the right wind might carry gm crop pollen to weedy plant relatives fertilizing them 不知情的昆蟲,或者來得不是時候的一陣風,都可能將基改作物的花粉帶到它們的野草親戚身上,使之受精。

Not only did the two branches disagree over the issue of testing the drug on the unwitting , they also disagreed over the issue of how the drug was actually to be used by the cia 不僅這2個部門在對不知情人進行藥物實驗的問題上持不同意見,他們也在cia實際上該如何使用該藥物的問題上持有相左意見。

Pressure bullying or unwitting bullying is where the stress of the moment causes behaviour to deteriorate ; the person becomes short - tempered , irritable and may shout or swear at others 壓力欺負或無意識欺負是指當前的壓力引起行為上變壞;人變得急躁,易生氣,可能會朝著其他人大叫或咒罵。

The wisdom hiding in guqin much resembles what we can find in proses , putting casual words and plain - looking sentences together to carry on the essence cloaked in an unwitting appearance 因為它表現的內容很抽象空靈,譬如散文,疏松平常的字句搭在一起,且要形散神不散,實在是堂奧于此。

Ninety percent of those infected with dengue develop only mild flulike symptoms , if they feel anything at all , making them unwitting reservoirs for the virus 百分之九十的登革熱病毒感染者如果有些什么感覺,也只會有輕微的類似于流感的癥狀,這使他們無意間為了這種病的儲存宿主。

Hong kong lives much of its life in public and the open windows of summer , in particular , make every tram passenger an unwitting eavesdropper on everyday living 仲夏時分,香港人都喜歡打開窗戶,電車乘客不知不覺間便能窺探人們日常的生活細節。

Although the jury is still deliberating the effects of wolves , early evidence strongly suggests that the canids are unwitting restoration biologists 雖然眾人還在探究灰狼的影響,但初步證據仍強烈暗示犬科動物是無意間復原環境的生物學家。

Nothing was said , but everyone in the audience remembered the unwitting role the mccains ' adopted daughter played in the south carolina primary in 2000 誰也沒有說,但是誰都知道在2000年南卡羅來納州初選中麥凱恩這名養女所扮演的無心角色。

Status offline secondary bullying is mostly unwitting bullying which people start exhibiting when there ' s a serial bully in the department 二級欺負幾乎和無意識欺負相同,都是當部門出現了一個連環欺負者時,人們就開始會做出的這樣的表現。

She was a gay little manon , unwitting of society s fierce conception of morality , but , nevertheless , good to her neighbour and charitable 她是一個快樂的小曼依,對社會上嚴格的道德觀點絲毫不懂,然而對她周圍的人卻很和善寬厚。

Secondary bullying is mostly unwitting bullying which people start exhibiting when there ' s a serial bully in the department 二級欺負幾乎和無意識欺負相同,都是當部門出現了一個連環欺負者時,人們就開始會做出的這樣的表現。

In cia - speak , a “ manchurian candidate ” is the name given to an unwitting assassin who is mentally “ programmed ” to kill 在中情局的講話中, “滿洲里候選人”是用來指一個不知情的刺客,他在精神上被“規劃”以殺人。

One teenager - - it is usually a teenager - - attacks an unwitting passerby while another films the assault on a cell phone 常常是一個青少年襲擊一位不知情的路人,另一位在一旁用手機拍攝下襲擊的過程。

Said carrie , unwitting of what was coming . “ oh , you know , “ and drouet waved her intelligence , as it were , with his hand “哦,你知道的, ”說著,杜洛埃揮了揮手,似乎在表示她一定知道的。