
unwholesome adj.1.不衛生的,有礙健康的;對身心有害的;腐敗的。...


Because of economic environment , loyal and credit basis is unwholesome , writer suggest that make the domestic asset securitisation in external bond market . so researching the risk of action of international abs is very important . international abs has the security risk , credit risk , prepayment risk and international financial risk 由于資產證券化的交易結構特征,使得它既具有與發行債券相同的證券化風險,又具有獨特的信用風險及提前償付風險,同時由于是跨國運作,還存在著國際金融風險。

The food and environmental hygiene department is responsible for the overall food sale in hong kong special administrative region , be it imported or domestic . the public health and municipal services ordinance , cap . 132 stipulates that no person shall sell or possess or consign for the purpose of selling any food that are unwholesome , adulterated or unfit for human consumption 根據香港法例第132章《公眾?生及市政條例》 ,任何人均不得出售,或為將食物出售而管有,或為將食物出售而將其交付某人托付的任何一種情況下,出售狀況欠妥、經過攙雜或不適宜供人食用的食物。

Although game , meat , poultry or prohibited meat has been imported in accordance with section 4 ( 1 ) ( b ) or ( 2 ) as the case may be , any condition or direction referred to in section 4 ( 3 ) has not been complied with or it is unfit for human consumption , unsound or unwholesome , 輸入,但第4 ( 3 )條中所提述的任何條件或指示未獲遵從,或該等野味、肉類、家禽或違禁肉類并不適宜供人食用、并非狀況良好或并不合乎?生,

Although game , meat , poultry or prohibited meat has been imported in accordance with section 4 or as the case may be , any condition or direction referred to in section 4 has not been complied with or it is unfit for human consumption , unsound or unwholesome , 輸入,但第4 3條中所提述的任何條件或指示未獲遵從,或該等野味肉類家禽或違禁肉類并不適宜供人食用并非狀況良好或并不合乎?生,

John reed was a schoolboy of fourteen years old ; four years older than i , for i was but ten : large and stout for his age , with a dingy and unwholesome skin ; thick lineaments in a spacious visage , heavy limbs and large extremities 約翰.里德是個十四歲的小學生,比我大四歲,因為我才十歲。論年,他長得又大又胖,但膚色灰暗,一付病態。

Once seated , there began that exhibition of showy , wasteful , and unwholesome gastronomy as practised by wealthy americans , which is the wonder and astonishment of true culture and dignity the world over 一坐下,就開始展示有錢的美國人特有的那種鋪張浪費且有損健康的吃法。這種吃法令全世界真正有教養有尊嚴的人感到奇怪和吃驚。

A clammy and intensely cold mist , it made its slow way through the air in ripples that visibly followed and overspread one another , as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do 那霧粘乎乎的,冰寒徹骨,緩緩地在空中波浪式地翻滾,一浪一浪,清晰可見,然后宛如污濁的海濤,彼此滲誘,融合成了一片。

The amount and the way in which unwholesome food destroyed is interrelated with the overall environmental objective of producing less waste and mitigating nuisances arising from waste disposal 銷毀不合?生食物的數量和方法,與整體環保目標(即減少廢物和減輕因處理廢物而引致的滋擾)有密切關系。

The amount and the way in which unwholesome food destroyed is interrelated with the overall environmental objective of producing less waste and mitigating nuisances arising from waste disposal 銷毀不合?生食物的數量和方法,與整體環保目標即減少廢物和減輕因處理廢物而引致的滋擾有密切關系。

A clammy and intensely cold mist , made its slow way through the air in ripples that visibly followed and overspread one another , as the waves of an unwholesome sea might do 那霧粘乎乎的,冰寒徹骨,緩緩地在空中波浪式地翻滾,一浪一浪,清晰可見,然后宛如污濁的海濤,彼此滲誘,融合成了一片。

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment that it may give grace to those who hear 因為我們是互相為肢體,污穢的言語一句不可出口,只要隨事說造就人的好話,叫聽見的人得益處。

There are those who give little of the much which they have - - and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome 有些人擁有很多,卻給予得很少,而他們的給予也不過只是為了沽名而給予,而他們隱藏內心的欲念已使得給予蒙上了污點。

It is important to know that the defiled unwholesome states of mind can only bring negative effects in the future 知道被染污的心識只會為未來帶來負面影響,這一點很重要。

They kept him out in the unwholesome mists at night , and ordered him back into his harness in the day 他們夜里逼迫我姐夫在有害的霧氣里干活,白天又命令他回來套車。

The climate in this city is unwholesome 這個城市的氣候有害健康。

Those books are unwholesome to children 那些書對兒童身心健康有害。

Colonel korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in major tom's squadron . 科恩中校認為這是梅杰少校的中隊里開始出現的一種不健康的傾向。為了防微杜漸,他果斷地采取了行動。

Babbitt told zilla that she was a nagging, jealous, sour and unwholesome woman . 巴比特對齊拉說,她是個專愛找岔,嫉妒成性,哭喪臉面,讓人難受的女人。

Only the strongest bodies can live and enjoy health, under an unwholesome regimen . 只有最強健的身體才能在不衛生的飲食下生存并享受健康帶來的樂趣。