
unwell adj.1.不舒服的,病弱的;有病的。2.〔委婉語〕月經...


Incidents in which tram drivers felt unwell and collapsed while performing driving duties 電車司機在當值駕駛期間身體不適并暈倒的事件

4look after your health and do not practise if you are unwell or have any injury 維護好身體,如有不適或傷害受傷,就別要進行練習。

The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day 報紙上說人如果每天睡眠少于6個小時將感到不舒服。

The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day 報紙上說人假如天天睡眠少于6個小時將感到不舒適。

If you are feeling unwell , with a fever , cold , or flu , don t over - exert yourself 身體若有不適,如發燒、傷風感冒,不宜勉強。

He ' s unwell today , but he ' s expected to carry on as usual in a day or two 他今天身體不好,可是看來一,二天后就可以照常活動了。

4look after your health and do not practise if you are unwell or have any injury 保護好身體,如有不適或受傷,就不要進行練習。

If feeling unwell , employees should seek early medical advice and not go to work 員工若身體不適,應及早求診,留在家中休息;

If feeling unwell , employees should seek early medical advice and not go to work -員工若身體不適,應及早求診,留在家中休息

Not suitable for people with heart disease , hypertension , or feeling unwell 三、心臟病、高血壓患者等身體不適者不可上車。

Seek medical advice promptly if you are unwell or develop symptoms of measles 如有任何不適或出現麻疹病徵,應盡快求診。

People who feel unwell are advised to consult doctor before travel 旅游人士如在出發前有身體不適,應先咨詢醫生的意見。

The taxi driver also felt unwell after the accident and was sent to hospital 的士司機在意外后亦報稱不適,被送往醫院。

Avoid crowded places with poor ventilation if you are feeling unwell 如有不適,避免去人煙稠密和空氣流通欠佳的地方。

Brown : i ' m sorry to see you so unwell . have you seen the doctor 布朗:見到你身體這么不好真令人難過.你去看過醫生嗎

Oh . tell him i am unwell 哦,告訴他我不舒服

Unwell in his abominable regions 他覺得惡心。

He was feeling rather unwell 他覺得相當不舒服。

Although i am currently unwell , i hope to feel better presently 雖然我目前人不舒服,但希望不久會覺得好一點。