
unverifiable adj.不能證實的;無可考證的;無法檢驗的。


On the second issue the dissertation pursues the unverifiable targets by the strategic partnership and the relational contract is used as the base of this partnership . this dissertation also discusses the relation between the strategic outsourcing target design and the vendor ' s behavior of hidden cost information in a general relational contract model , and provides advices on target design 就第二個問題,本文針對戰略性信息技術外包中的不可驗證性的目標引入關系合同,以此作為戰略性信息技術外包中戰略合作伙伴關系的合同基礎,并且運用具有一般性的關系合同模型討論了企業目標設計與服務商虛報成本行為的關系,提出了相應的外包目標設計策略。

There is one coding scenario that will pass the compiler but that will result in an unverifiable assembly : calling a virtual function through an object instance using the scope resolution operator 以下編碼方案可以通過編譯器,但會導致不可驗證的程序集:使用范圍解析運算符通過對象實例調用虛函數。例如:

( 2 ) how to assure unverifiable objects by the right cooperative form , and what are the constraints to which outsourcing target subjects in this form ( 2 )當企業外包中存在不可驗證性的目標時應該采取何種合作形式來確保目標的實現,同時實現這些目標的方式對目標本身又會有哪些限制?

Ability to skip verification of code in this assembly . code that is unverifiable can be run if this permission is granted [本主題是預發布的文檔,在將來發布的版本中可能會有更改。空白主題是為將來預留的。

Doing this requires a type - unsafe operation , particularly with structures , which could result in unverifiable code 這樣做會導致非類型安全的操作(對于結構尤其如此) ,因而會產生無法驗證的代碼。

Cannot run , although you can set security policy to allow the execution of trusted but unverifiable code 則不能運行,盡管可以設置安全策略以使受信任但無法驗證的代碼得以執行。

Its presence in the module metadata indicates that the module contains unverifiable code 如果它存在于模塊元數據中,則指示該模塊包含無法驗證的代碼。

Unverifiable server side certificates will be rejected by clients during the ssl handshake 在ssl握手期間,客戶端將拒絕無法驗證的服務器端證書。

In the common language runtime , unsafe code is referred to as unverifiable code 在公共語言運行庫( clr )中,不安全代碼是指無法驗證的代碼。

Local variables are not initialized and the generated code is unverifiable ,則不初始化局部變量,并且生成的代碼將無法驗證。

Modules containing unverifiable code should be marked with this attribute 應使用此屬性標記包含無法驗證的代碼的模塊。

0 audit check outcomes were either unverifiable or had serious concerns 0個申請的審查結果是不能核實或有嚴重疑問

Permission , if the assembly contains any unverifiable methods 權限(如果程序集包含任何無法驗證的方法) 。

Marks modules containing unverifiable code 標記包含無法驗證的代碼的模塊。