unvarnished adj.1.沒有涂(清)漆的。2.〔比喻〕未加裝飾的;未...
adj. 1.沒有涂(清)漆的。 2.〔比喻〕未加裝飾的;未加修飾的;原樣的,直率的。 “unvarying“ 中文翻譯: adj. 無變化的;不改變的;恒定的。 adv. -ly “unvaried“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.經常一貫的,不變的。 2.單調乏味的,千篇一律的。 “unvaryingly“ 中文翻譯: 恒久地“unvariable expenes“ 中文翻譯: 不變費用“unvegetated“ 中文翻譯: 無植被的“unvanquishable“ 中文翻譯: 不能克服的“unveil“ 中文翻譯: vt. 1.除去…的面紗;除去…的覆蓋物;(舉行揭幕禮時)揭開…的幕;〔美劇〕使(戲)開幕。 2.使現出本來面目;揭露(秘密等)。 unveil a statue 舉行雕像揭幕禮。 vi. 1. 除去面紗[幕布]。 2.顯露。 n. -ing 揭幕式。 “unvalued stock“ 中文翻譯: 無票面價格的股票“unveil a package“ 中文翻譯: 公布了一項計劃“unvalued share“ 中文翻譯: 無面值股份
unvarying |
The hut was quite cosy , panelled with unvarnished deal , having a little rustic table and stool beside her chair , and a carpenter s bench , then a big box , tools , new boards , nails ; and many things hung from pegs : axe , hatchet , traps , things in sacks , his coat . it had no window , the light came in through the open door . it was a jumble , but also it was a sort of little sanctuary 在她坐的椅子旁,有一張小桌子,一把粗陋的小凳,一條木匠用的長板凳,還有一日大木箱,一些工具,新木板,釘子和各種各樣的東西掛在鉤子上,大斧小斧幾個捕獸的夾子,幾袋東西和他的外衣,那兒并沒有窗戶,光線是從開著的門邊進來的,這是一個雜物的儲藏室,但同時卻也是一個小小的庇護所。 |
Arraigned at my own bar , memory having given her evidence of the hopes , wishes , sentiments i had been cherishing since last night - of the general state of mind in which i had indulged for nearly a fortnight past ; reason having come forward and told , in her own quiet way , a plain , unvarnished tale , showing how i had rejected the real , and rabidly devoured the ideal ; - i pronounced judgment to this effect : - 我在自己的法庭上受到了傳訊。記憶出來作證,陳述了從昨夜以來我所懷的希望意愿和情感,陳述了過去近兩周我所沉溺的一般思想狀態。理智走到前面,不慌不忙地講了一個樸實無華的故事,揭示了我如何拒絕了現實,狂熱地吞下了理想。 |
Established on the basis of possessing ample literature , chapter1 and chapter2 deal with a textual research on editions of chu hsi ' s shih ji - chuan in past dynasties , especially the editions printed in song and yuan dynasties . a comparative study on the phonetic notation in all the different editions of shih ji - chuan shows an unvarnished look of the phonetic notation done by chu hsi and its grounds 前?章在充分掌握文獻資料的基?上, ?朱熹《 ?集傅》 ?代版本(特別是宋、元刻本) ?行了考? ; ?通遇? 《 ?集傅》 ?代版本注音的比?研究,考察了朱熹注音的原貌及其依? 。 |
The window lattice , doorframe , even posts of the bed curtain have no crooked sign ; they are beautiful without decoration , thick and direct . though unvarnished and simple , however , from their color and luster or their own lines , can still find out its unparalleled quality 沒有彎曲的跡象,不作雕飾的美,渾厚而直接。盡管質樸簡單,然而,從它的色澤或是本身的紋路,仍舊可以看出它無與倫比的質地。 |
Far from the video game patriotism and collateral damage of mainstream media coverage , this arresting , unvarnished account of daily life in baghdad before and after the onset of the war in iraq is as harrowing as they come 美軍攻伊前夕攝影機已坐鎮巴格達,見證過國泰民安,炮聲之后,卻是家破人亡。男人在海灣戰失去四個兄弟,前朝創傷未及愈合,三個女兒又死在美軍炮彈下。 |
“ the writings are an unvarnished portrait of einstein struggling bravely with the manifold inconveniences of sickness and old age , “ said freeman dyson , a mathematician at the institute for advanced study in princeton 美國普林斯頓大學高級研究院的數學家福里曼?戴森說: “這本日記真實地再現了愛因斯坦與疾病和年邁等諸多不便頑強抗爭的情景。 ” |
In nature , they seek the unvarnished beauty of passion ; in customs , implant the graceful healthy living ideal ; in dreams , restore their broken rural dream 在自然中,京派作家努力尋覓正直素樸的人情美;在風俗中,寄托他們優美健康的生活理想;在夢境中,修復那已破碎的“田園夢” 。 |
In his preface he claims an “ anxious desire to speak the unvarnished truth “ . he equips the story with a map , and adds documentary chapters 他在序文里說“急著要把絲毫未加渲染的實際情況敘述出來” 。他在那部小說里插印了一幅地圖,還加了一些記實性章節。 |
The story i tell is true and simple , and i have allowed the unvarnished facts to stand and the onward march of events to emerge unobstructed 我講給您聽的是一個真實而簡單的故事,我就讓這個故事保持它樸實無華的細節和它簡單明了的發展過程。 |
The aria of hebei bangzi combines the folkways and rhythms in beijing , tianjin and hebei , stouthearted and unvarnished , full of the verve in these areas 河北梆子唱腔集京、津、冀的民風音韻為一體,剛毅質? ,頗具燕趙之氣。 |
You ' re my best love , but leave me alone . only the unvarnished taihu stone could express my yearning to you 你是我的至愛,卻離我而去;只有這質樸的太湖石代表著我無法言述的懷念。 |
In his preface he claims an “anxious desire to speak the unvarnished truth“. he equips the story with a map, and adds documentary chapters . 他在序文里說“急著要把絲毫未加渲染的實際情況敘述出來”。他在那部小說里插印了一幅地圖,還加了一些記實性章節。 |
This article first narrates a plain unvarnished tale . 這篇文章首先講述了一個樸實無華的故事。 |