
untutored adj.1.沒有教育的;粗野的;無知的。2.單純的,純樸...


In his indian captivity , moreover , he had gained much knowledge of the properties of native herbs and roots ; nor did he conceal from his patients , that these simple medicines , nature ' s boon to the untutored savage , had quite as large a share of his own confidence as the european pharmacopoeia , which so many learned doctors had spent centuries in elaborating 況且,在他被印第安人俘虜囚禁期間,又對當地的草藥的性質掌握了大量的知識;他對病人毫不隱諱地說,大自然恩賜給那些未開化的野蠻入的這些簡單藥物,同眾多博學的醫生在試驗室中花費了數世紀才積累起來的歐洲藥典,幾乎可以取得他本人同等的信任。

Captivity , moreover , he had gained much knowledge of the properties of native herbs and roots ; nor did he conceal from his patients , that these simple medicines , nature s boon to the untutored savage , had 他很快就證明他對博大精深的古典醫道了如指掌,其中每個偏方都含有許多四處接尋面來形形色色的成分,其配制之精良,似是要獲得長生不老藥的效果。

If you take two equal programmers and give one a good mentor , the mentored programmer will grow while the untutored one can flounder 如果有兩個程序員,并給其中一個指派了好的導師,有人指導的程序員將不斷進步,而沒有人指導的程序員則可能會手足無措地原地踏步。

If the untutored programmer has a good sense of survival , however , alternative ways of learning the practice of programming will become apparent 不過,如果沒人指導的程序員了解如何“自救” ,他便能夠發現學習編程實踐技巧的很多其他方法。

Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization , the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and dies 供給不足以及開辟殖民地經驗的欠缺使早期邊疆開拓者大都因為遭受苦難而撒手人寰。

Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization , the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died 供給不足以及欠缺開辟殖民地的經驗使早期邊疆開拓者大都因歷經苦難而撒手人寰。

Among the forces which sweep and play throughout the universe , untutored man is but a wisp in the wind 在主宰和支配萬物的宇宙各種勢力面前,一個沒有經驗的人簡直就像風中的弱草。

“ you have strength , “ he could hear her saying , “ but it is untutored strength . “你是有力量的, ”他聽見她在說話, “可那是沒經過訓練的力量。 ”

She has put into the small , unwise head of the chipmunk the untutored fear of poisons 花栗鼠愚蠢的小腦袋里卻有天生的對于毒藥的恐懼。

He was apparently untutored in the arts of polite social behavior 他在政治社會行為上的藝術顯然是未開通的。

To my untutored ear , your voice sounds almost professional 照我這外行人聽來,你的嗓音差不多夠專業水平了

This untutored mathematician has an obsession with numbers 這個未開通的數學家有一個對數字的妄想。

Oliver envied the fine person and dignified manners of his untutored brother . 奧利佛非常妒忌他這個沒受過教育的弟弟長得竟這么好,舉止又落落大方。