
untroubled adj.1.未受煩擾的,沒有憂慮的。2.(湖面)平靜的。


As a child , she often had crept to the door and , peeping through the tiniest crack , had seen ellen emerge from the dark room , where gerald ' s snores were rhythmic and untroubled , into the flickering light of an upheld candle , her medicine - case under her arm , her hair smoothed neatly into place , and no button on her basque unlooped 到了孩提時期,她常常爬到房門邊,從縫隙里朝外窺探,看到艾倫出現在黑暗的房門口,擎著一支忽隱忽現的蠟燭,走了出去,她臂上挽著藥袋,頭發一絲不亂,上衣的鈕扣也沒漏掉一顆沒扣上,此刻杰拉爾德卻沒有受到干擾,正在發出均勻的鼾聲。

What he loved was dissipation and women ; and as , according to his ideas , there was nothing dishonourable in these tastes , and as he was incapable of considering the effect on others of the gratification of his tastes , he believed himself in his heart to be an irreproachable man , felt a genuine contempt for scoundrels and mean persons , and with an untroubled conscience held his head high 他所喜愛的只有一點,那就是尋歡作樂和追求女性,依照他的觀念,這些嗜好沒有任何不高尚的地方,但是他不會考慮,一味滿足他的嗜欲對他人會引起什么后果,因此他心里認為自己是一個無可指摘的人,他無所顧忌地藐視下流人和壞人,心安理得地傲岸不群。

Natasha was as much in love with her betrothed , as untroubled in her love , and as ready to throw herself into all the pleasures of life as ever . but towards the end of the fourth month of their separation she began to suffer from fits of depression , against which she was unable to contend . she felt sorry for herself , sorry that all this time should be wasted and be of no use to any one , while she felt such capacity for loving and being loved 娜塔莎仍然鐘愛她的未婚夫,仍舊由于這種愛情而感到安慰,她對生活中的一切歡樂依舊十分敏感可是在娜塔莎和他離別的第四個月月底,就有一種她不能克服的憂愁開始一陣陣向她襲來,她在憐憫她自己,她覺得遺憾的是,她不為任何人白白地糟踏了時光,在這段時間她覺得她能夠鐘愛他人和被人鐘愛。

Every governing official in quiet , untroubled times feels that the whole population under his charge is only kept going by his efforts ; and it is this sense of being indispensably necessary in which every governing official finds the chief reward for his toils and cares 每一位行政長官在世道太平時,都覺得只有靠了他的勤政,他治下的平民百姓才過得自在,蒸蒸日上,而當意識到非我莫屬時,每個行政長官便以作為對自己勞苦和勤政的主要獎賞。

As major stock markets elsewhere in the asia and on both sides of the atlantic found themselves plunged into the sub - prime loan crisis , the mainland of china ' s principal share index continued to brave ahead , apparently untroubled by the chaos 在亞洲其他地區和歐美主要股市陷入次級抵押貸款危機的同時,中國大陸的主要股票指數一路飆升,顯然沒有受到周邊股市動蕩的影響。

His style mixes narrative with passages of stream of consciousness untroubled by punctuation - - some of his sentences are 1 , 000 words long - - but critics say his works remain readable despite their apparent difficulty 他小說的風格是把敘述和不加標點的意識流混合起來,有的句子長達一千個詞,盡管讀者理解起來明顯有困難,但批評家說還是可以讀懂的。

All things , however , were in their places ; all was quiet ; and he lay asleep , his white hair picturesque on the untroubled pillow , and his hands lying quiet on the coverlet 不過,一切依然如故,十分平靜。父親睡著了,白發襯在不曾受到干擾的枕上,像幅圖畫雙手安詳地放在蓋被上。

The drawing room is overloaded with heavy junk . hisui seems untroubled by this . shiki offers to help with some of the heavy lifting , but naturally she won ' t accept that 休息室里堆滿了大件垃圾。翡翠看起來并不覺得困擾。志貴想幫忙搬些重東西,但是翡翠自然不會同意。

And i partook of the infinite calm in which she lay : my mind was never in a holier frame than while i gazed on that untroubled image of divine rest 我也被她安眠中的無限恬靜所感染:當我凝視著這神圣的安息者那無憂無慮的面貌時,我的心境從來沒有比這時更神圣。

Let me doing nothing when i have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seeshore when the water is silent 我無所事事時,不要打擾我,讓我什么也別做,沉浸到深深的和平里去吧,就像那海水沉寂時海濱的暮色。

It took her away from the noisy , squawkish world of the cat - walk and let her lie untroubled at its side , listening only to the gentle lapping of its waves 她因此能遠離小心翼翼踮足生活的喧囂塵世,無憂無慮地躺在湖邊,一心一意聆聽那浪擊聲。

Let my doing nothing when i have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent 當我沒有什么事做時,便讓我不做什么事,不受騷擾地沉入安靜深處吧,一如海水沉默時海邊的暮色。

Let my doing nothing when i have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent 當我無事可做時,就讓我閑著,無憂無慮地享受深邃的寧靜吧,猶如海水沉默時海邊的暮色。

For now , even waking , i dreamed of all the folk of lyonnesse who died under the wave , and only the grail would give me untroubled rest 現在,即使醒著,也能夢到這片土地上的居民被巨浪壓死的慘狀,只有圣杯能讓我暫時脫離夢魘的折磨。

Let my doing nothing when i have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when water is silent 無事可做時,讓我什么都不做,在深深的寧靜中不受干擾,一如海邊風平浪靜時的黃昏。

Let me do nothing when i have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when water is silent 無事可做時,讓我什么都不作,在深深的寧靜中不受干擾,一如海邊風平浪靜時的黃昏。

Mayor zhao says he is untroubled by the competition . “ we all have our strengths , “ he says . “ we ' ll fly together wing - to - wing . 趙市長表示,他并不擔心競爭, “我們有各自的優勢” ,他說, “這將是一場雙贏的競爭” 。

[ bbe ] and i am very angry with the nations who are living untroubled : for when i was only a little angry , they made the evil worse 我甚惱怒那安逸的列國因我從前稍微惱怒我民、他們就加害過分。

And i am very angry with the nations who are living untroubled : for when i was only a little angry , they made the evil worse 我甚惱怒那安逸的列國因我從前稍微惱怒我民、他們就加害過分。