
untended adj.被忽略了的;未受到照顧的。


The land around london has become a sort of untended garden filled with unusual fruiting and flowering plants , with futuristic , yet dilapidated buildings and other structures dotted around , seemingly of no purpose and disused 在倫敦附近的土地像是一個被人忽略的花園,長滿了不尋常的水果和花朵,星羅棋布的未來派破爛大樓,和其他的建筑物看似沒有目的廢棄著。

Left untended , the aging fleet combined with the continued stress of current operations , inevitably will mean diminished performance despite the services ' innovative efforts to keep the aircraft flying 沒有什么人會注意到,機群的老化加上現在高強度的使用,無論軍方如何創新來努力維持飛機的正常飛行都將不可避免地會影響到性能的表現。

The economic consequences of the black death were far - reaching . as a result of the plague , much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor 黑死病對經濟造成了很深遠的影響,鼠疫導致了大片土地無人照管和勞動力極度匱乏。

Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines . the land is to have a year of rest 5遺落自長的莊稼不可收割,沒有修理的葡萄樹也不可摘取葡萄。這年,地要守圣安息。