
untaught adj.1.無教育的,無知識的。2.不教自會的;沒有人教...


Some saw this as a welcome liberation from a dependence on a church hierarchy ; others thought that people untaught in the scriptures were given too much authority in a church meeting 有些人將此視為打破教會的階級制度而歡迎之;其它人則認為教會在聚會中把過多的權力給予不通曉圣經的人。

Wholly untaught , with faculties quite torpid , they seemed to me hopelessly dull ; and , at first sight , all dull alike : but i soon found i was mistaken 她們完全沒有受過教育,官能都很遲鈍,使我覺得這些人笨得無可救藥。粗粗一看,個個都是呆頭呆腦的,但不久我便發現自己錯了。

Discoveries in science and technology are thought by “ untaught minds “ to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents 科學技術上的發明被那些沒學問的人看要么看做是顯而易見,不言而喻的事實要么就是科學家們經歷了戲劇性的意外事件所產生的想法。

You will change your mind , i hope , when you grow older : as yet you are but a little untaught girl “我想,等你長大了你的想法會改變的,現在你不過是個沒有受過教育的小姑娘。 ”

O thou untaught ! what manners is in this ? to press before thy father to a grave 啊,你這不孝的東西!你怎么可以搶在你父親的前面,自己先鉆到墳墓里去呢?

Better be unboun than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune 與其不受教育,不知不生,因為無知是不幸的根源。

On unteaching in vocabulary teaching 篇章詞匯銜接的語義分析

A gift untaught is a ship unguided 未經傳授的天賦宛如無人引領的船艦。